
  • 网络registered user;Member;register user
  1. 只有注册用户发出请求时才能完成此web服务操作。

    This web service operation will only complete if there is a registered user who has placed an order .

  2. 作为Jazz储存库的注册用户,您执行特定组件的操作的权限最终是由以下这些因素决定的

    As a registered user of your Jazz repository , your authority to perform any component-specific operations and actions is determined by these factors

  3. Line拥有超过3.4亿注册用户(这个数据与月活跃用户数量不同,通常远高于后者)。

    Line has more than 340 million registered users ( which is different and generally much higher than monthly active users ) .

  4. Facebook拥有逾3亿注册用户,而且用户数量仍在迅速增加。

    Facebook has more than 300m registered users and continues to grow rapidly .

  5. 例如,ups使用电子邮件递送注册用户要求的资料。

    For example , UPS uses e-mail to deliver information that registered users request .

  6. 对比之下,Twitter的活跃注册用户就达到了两亿人。

    Twitter has 200m active registered users .

  7. Facebook刚刚为WhatsApp的每位注册用户支付了大约42美元。

    Facebook just paid about $ 42 a subscriber for WhatsApp .

  8. 微信和QQ的注册用户总量超过了10亿人。

    WeChat and QQ together have more than 1bn registered users .

  9. 在执行匿名的访问过程之前,注册用户应当向AP认证自己的身份。

    Before the process of anonymous access , the registered users should authenticate themselves to certain AP .

  10. 如果您还不是注册用户,您可以在这里注册然后评论,或者把您的评论用email发给我们。

    If not , you can either register here and then comment , or send us your views as an email .

  11. 如我们所熟知的Facebook、人人网等社交网络平台,也已经拥有超过亿真实注册用户。

    As we are familiar with the Facebook and " Renren " also has more than million registered users .

  12. 目前RetailLink系统已经拥有超过100000个注册用户,有超过40000个公司正在使用这个系统,每周有超过350000个数据查询。

    Nowadays , Retail Link system already has more than 100,000 registered users ; over 40,000 companies are using it and over 350,000 data queries every week .

  13. 当启用DominoDirectory(names.nsf)上的属性时,用户仍然可以进行身份验证,这在注册用户需要向服务器的其他用户保持匿名的时候是非常有用的。

    Users can still authenticate , which is quite useful when registered users need to remain anonymous to other users of the server .

  14. 在为注册用户、版主和管理员赋予用户角色时,不要删除此guest用户的用户设置。

    Do not delete the user settings for the guest user when you grant user roles for the registered users , moderators , and administrators .

  15. 已注册用户可以影响备份和轮询活动,而活动用户可以影响CPU利用率,已连接用户可以影响内存利用率。

    Registered users can affect backup and polling activities , but your active users affect your CPU utilization , and your connected users affect memory utilization .

  16. 将交换名片与微软(Microsoft)上周以262亿美元收购拥有4.33亿注册用户的职业社交网络领英(LinkedIn)比较一下。

    Compare it with Microsoft 's deal this week to pay $ 26.2bn for the professional social network LinkedIn , with its 433m usersmembers .

  17. 拥有2.5亿注册用户的应用Tango目前市值15亿美元。

    Tango , an app with 250 million registered users , is worth $ 1.5 billion .

  18. 注册用户都有一个主页,这个主页可以使用非常简单的URL方案访问:http://del.icio.us/。

    Registered users have a home page that is accessible using a very simple URL scheme : http : / / del . icio . us / .

  19. 2004年8月的一份调查表明,仅腾讯QQ就拥有2.26亿注册用户、500多万收费用户。

    An inquisition of August of 2004 showed that Tencent QQ had owned 226,000,000 registered users and 5,000,000 charges users .

  20. 最为知名的SNS网站是美国的Facebook,截止到2010年年底,其注册用户已经突破5亿。

    Facebook is the most famous American SNS website , as of the end of 2010 , its registered users has exceeded 500 million .

  21. 系统要求管理者和注册用户登陆以保护权限,使用了SSL来进行数据加密,Web服务也是安全的,SOAP消息也使用SSL进行加密。

    The application is fully secured because it 's using SSL for data encryption , the web services also secured and SOAP messages are encrypted using SSL . The application is using .

  22. 设计出3G注册用户通过WLAN接入B3G网络的流程图和主要程序;

    So particularly , the flow chart and the main programs for MTs with 3G registration connecting to the B3G network through WLAN are drawn .

  23. WhatsApp还称,每天新增的注册用户数量超过100万。

    It also claims it is adding more than 1 million new registered users a day .

  24. ContentAPI的访问权限分为若干等级:非注册用户可以访问内容元数据,但不能访问具体内容,每秒查询次数也有限制;

    We have a number of different tiers of access to the Content API : without registration , you can access content metadata but not the actual content , with a limited QPS ( queries per second ) rate .

  25. RESTAPI提供了点击通话和点击会议语义,允许在注册用户和一个或多个LotusSametime联系人或外部电话号码之间建立通话。

    The REST API provides click-to-call and click-to-conference semantics , allowing a call to be established between a registered user and one or more Lotus Sametime contacts or external phone numbers .

  26. 仿真实验结果表明,单个节点的最大注册用户负载量和节点负载量均方差均小于Chord对等网络。

    Simulation result shows that , our peer-to-peer network architecture has less maximum load of single node and load mean square deviation of overall nodes than Chord .

  27. 动视暴雪(ActivisionBlizzard)开发的《魔兽世界》(WorldofWarcraft)在注册用户和最高同时在线人数方面仍然排名榜首。

    World of Warcraft by Activision Blizzard , Inc. ( ATVI ) still tops the list with the most registered players and peak simultaneous online users .

  28. 其他规模较小的社交网络,比如LinkedIn,主要针对专业人士,注册用户也达到了2亿。

    Other smaller scale social networks such as LinkedIn , which is mainly used for professionals , has recently reached 200 million registered users .

  29. 据业内统计数据显示,今年Facebook网站的注册用户增长了一倍以上,达到约5500万,而MySpace的用户数量则增长了30%,已超过1.1亿。

    Industry statistics show Facebook membership more than doubled in the past year to about 55 million , while MySpace grew 30 percent to top 110 million .

  30. Nirvanix是一个基于互联网的文件存储系统,它允许注册用户通过自己的API存储、操作和访问文件。

    Nirvanix is an Internet-based file storage system that allows registered users to store , manipulate , and access files through their APIs .