
  • independent recruitment;autonomous enrolment
  1. 认为自主招生与公平录取并无必然矛盾,在某种意义上自主招生比统一高考可能更有利于实现教育公平;

    In a certain sense , independent recruitment could help to realize the education equity more easily than the unified entrance examination .

  2. 做好自主招生的关键是保证公平、公正、公开,实质是高校自律和社会监督机制。

    Therefore , self-discipline from universities and supervision from society are two prerequisites for guaranteeing fairness , justness and openness in the whole process of independent recruitment .

  3. 高等学校自主招生制度改革的思考

    Reflections on the reform in autonomy enrollment system of Higher Education

  4. 加快招生考试改革的思考自主招生:高考改革的新亮点

    Independent Enrolment : The New Highlights in the Reform of HEE Exam

  5. 自主招生的重点是招收具有特质的学生。

    It is crucial to prevent independent admission from being exam-oriented education .

  6. 立足实际,推进高校自主招生的多元化

    Being Reality-oriented and Trying to Diversify the Autonomous Enrollment of Higher Education Institutions

  7. 为此,呼吁建立更加科学、完善的自主招生制度。

    So a more scientific and better-organized autonomous enrolling system should be established .

  8. 第二,自主招生政策具有良好的合法性基础。

    Second , the university autonomous recruitment policy has good base of legitimacy .

  9. 大学自主招生考试的制度选择

    The Choice of Independent University Entrance Examination Systems

  10. 民族院校研究生招生工作中生源问题的思考对地市电大招生工作的思考关于我国聋人高校自主招生现状的反思

    Issues in the Independent Enrolment of Some Colleges for the Deaf Students in China

  11. 另一种是包括上海第二工业大学在内的六所高职院校的“自主招生”改革。

    The other was followed by six higher vocational schools including Shanghai Second Polytechnic University .

  12. 一些参加高校自主招生考试的学生们表示这些批评之声有些反应过激。

    Students who sat for independent entrance exams termed the criticism an " overreaction " .

  13. 自主招生形势下提高教育硕士培养质量的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice in Improving Quality of EdM Programs in the Background of Autonomous Enrolment

  14. 北大清华自主招生考试改革透视

    Perspective on the Reformation of Independent Entrance Examination and Recruitment in Peking University and Qinghua University

  15. 高校自主招生应是高考改革的方向

    Autonomous Enrollment by Higher Education Institutions Should the Trend of the National College Entrance Examination Reform

  16. 治理理论对我国高校自主招生的启示

    The Enlightenment of Governance Theory on the Independent Admissions System in China 's Higher Education Institutions

  17. 只有整体素质优秀的学生才能被提名参加北京大学的自主招生考试。

    Only the overall-excellent student will be nominated to attend the independent recruitmentof students test of Peking University .

  18. 海峡两岸高校自主招生异同之比较

    Comparison on the Differences and Similarities of Autonomous Enrollment for Higher Education Institutions between Two Sides of the Strait

  19. 希望通过当前完善和扩大自主招生来弥补统一高考招生的不足,并提出了当前亟待完善的四个方面。

    We hope to remedy the inadequate of united HEE exam enrolment , finding the solutions in four aspects .

  20. 他们仍可以选择通过一些高校提供的自主招生这条路。

    They can still choose the independent college admission route , which is provided by some universities , he added .

  21. 为了选拔多样化人才,尤其是一些偏才怪才,自主招生政策顺应历史发展,应运而生。

    Autonomy admissions policies came to conform the historical development when we select diversified talent , especially some partial or unbelieveable talent .

  22. 普通高校自主招生工作,自教育部批准部分高校从2003年试点以来,一直受到社会的关注。

    Autonomous enrollment policy in universities has been the concern of society since it was approved by the Ministry of Education in2003 .

  23. 自主招生是高考改革中为适应高等教育大众化而推出的一项重要举措。

    Autonomous enrolling is a very important measure in reforming the National College Entrance Examination so as suit the mass higher education .

  24. 复旦和上海交大的自主招生考试改革试点,有助于推动我国大学自主招生考试进程。

    The recruitment reforms conducted by Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao-tong University will help to promote the independent entrance examination of Chinese universities .

  25. 要真正解决聋人高校自主招生中存在的问题,必须完善现行的管理体制并应该切实对残疾人教育体系进行系统地统筹与规划。

    To resolve the problems the administrative structure should be improved and the system of the deaf education should be planned as a whole .

  26. 上海市2006年实行了两种“自主招生”的改革,一种是复旦大学和上海交通大学的“自主招生”改革;

    Two schemes of autonomous recruitment reform were running in parallel in Shanghai in2006.One was applied by both Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University .

  27. 新课程高考、学业水平考试、高校自主招生推动了高中语文课堂教学评价改革进程。

    College entrance exam , Academic Proficiency Test and college self-enrollment all promote the reform process of senior high school in Chinese classroom teaching evaluation .

  28. 自主招生是高校实现自主办学的重大步骤,对素质教育起着引导作用,扩大了高校选拔优秀人才的途径。

    In practicing autonomy enrollment , universities and colleges of China stress the overall quality of the candidates who suit their characteristic ideas of education .

  29. 许多大学今年减少了对高中毕业生自主招生的名额,如90所高校中的89所出台了更严格的招生计划。

    Many universities halved their quotas for independent enrollment of high school graduates this year , as 89 out of 90 universities have announced stricter plans .

  30. 进入新世纪以来,中国大学招生入学考试出现了一个新的变化:从统一招生考试到自主招生考试。

    Since entering new century , there has been a new change in enrolment entrance exam of China universities - from unified enrolment to independent enrolment .