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  1. 后来主要由于北非自由法国山地部队的大力协助,才于5月中旬攻占了卡西诺。

    Not until mid-May was Cassino captured , thanks largely to free French mountain troops from North africa .

  2. 她把秘密信息偷偷带到中立的里斯本,交给自由法国成员:那些信息全用隐形墨水写在乐谱上。

    She smuggled to the Free French in neutral Lisbon secret messages written in invisible ink on her music .

  3. 他问他的同行旅伴,1944年,“自由法国”的首都在哪里。

    He asks his fellow travellers where the capital of Free France was in 1944 .

  4. 当查尔斯。戴高乐将军和他率领的自由法国军队进入巴黎市中心的时候,法国人民热烈欢呼。

    People cheered wildly as General Charles de Gaulle and Free French troops marched into the center of the city .

  5. 他在早期战争中,曾在达卡尔海岸逐退英国及自由法国部队之入侵。

    He had early in the war driven off from the shores of Dakar an attempted invasion by British and Free French forces .

  6. 圣皮埃尔&密克隆岛事件及其对美国与自由法国关系的影响

    The Incident on Saint - Pierre - et - Miquelon and Its Effects on the Relation Between the United States and Free France

  7. 圣皮埃尔-密克隆岛事件是第二次世界大战中美国与自由法国之间发生的第一次外交冲突。

    The Incident on Saint - Pierre - et - Miquelon was the diplomatic conflict between the United States and Free France in the midst of World War II .

  8. 尽管戴高乐在这一冲突中赢得了道义上的胜利,但却因此而使自由法国与美国在战争中合作的前景遭到破坏,并使他利用美国来抗衡英国的外交战略构想化为泡影。

    De Gaulle did win a moral victory over his rival , but hereafter dimmed the prospect of cooperation between the two countries in the war and bubbled his strategic proposition of contending with Britain by means of America .

  9. 在自由,法国风格的雕像。

    The statue of Liberty , French style .

  10. 自由女神铜像从法国运抵纽约市。

    The Statue of Liberty was carried to the United States from France .

  11. 纽约港的自由女神雕像是法国送的礼物。

    The Statue of Liberty in New York harbor was a gift from France .

  12. 自由神雕像是法国人民在19世纪送合美国的。

    The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States of America in the nineteenth century by the people of France .