
  • 网络Yang Jingyu;Ching-Yue Yang
  1. 以杨靖宇腹中的那些草根;

    Yang Jingyu womb of those grass-roots ;

  2. 东北抗日联军一路军在杨靖宇同志的率领下转战于氵蒙江、抚松、临江等地区,给日本侵略者以沉重打击。

    Comrade Yang Jingyu led the first unit of northeast anti-Japanese allied forces among Mengjiang , Fusong , Linjiang and other regions , sledge-hammering Japanese aggressors .

  3. 杨靖宇将军的革命精神与他的《东北抗日联军第一路军军歌》像一盏明灯照亮了后人前进的道路。

    Yang Jing-yu 's revolutionary spirit , together with " the Military Song of No.1 Army " illuminates the way forward for his successors , just like a light lamp .

  4. 杨靖宇和抗联第一路军赫赫有名,但作为抗联第一路军前身的磐石游击队却鲜为人知。

    Though Yang Jingyu and the First Route Army of the armed forces of resistance against Japan are illustrious , as its predecessor , Panshi guerrilla forces is almost unknow to people .