
  • 网络Ming;Yang
  1. “Papi酱”团队的领导者杨明也表示,他们已经意识到自己的缺点,将会听从广电总局的建议修改视频。

    Yang Ming , the CEO of Papi Jiang 's team behind the viral videos , also said that they have been made aware of their shortcomings and will heed the authorities ' call for revision .

  2. 喂,杨明!我有一辆新自行车。

    Hi , Yang Ming ! I have a new bike .

  3. 大志和杨明是最好的朋友,他们总是在开着玩笑。

    Dazhi and Yangming were best friends and were always making jokes .

  4. 杨明:这些是什么,莉萨?

    Yang Ming : What are these , Lisa ?

  5. 我是翻译,杨明。

    I 'm Yang Ming , the interpreter .

  6. 就是这个让我不好受,杨明愤懑地说道。

    It 's this that really gets to me @ , fumes Yang Ming .

  7. 杨明:我知道它们的母亲叫鸭子.鸭子会游泳。

    Yang Ming : I know their mother is a duck a duck can swim .

  8. 杨明:它们会游泳吗?

    Yang Ming : Can they swim ?

  9. 杨明:不,我不是。但我爸爸是在那儿出生的。

    Yang Ming : No , I wasn ' t.But my father was born there .

  10. 杨明,你怎么样?

    And you , Yang Ming ?

  11. 新华社记者杨明则认运动员应负更大责任。

    Yang Ming , a reporter of Xinhua , put more of the onus on the athletes .

  12. 杨明的邻居说他们连续很多晚上都睡不着觉,都快被这噪音逼疯了。

    Yang Ming 's neighbours claim that they were being kept awake , night after night , and being driven mad by the noise .

  13. 新华社记者杨明昨日撰文表示,我国下届亚运会应该派业余选手参加,从而避免在这项赛事的垄断地位。

    China should send amateur athletes to the next Asian Games to counter China 's dominance at the event , Xinhua reporter Yang Ming wrote yesterday .

  14. 最近报纸上一篇关于鼓手杨明的报道引起了广大年轻鼓迷的愤怒,他们不相信睡不着觉是投诉的理由。

    A recent newspaper article on drummer Yang Ming has caused outrage from teenage fans who can 't believe that loss of sleep is a reason for complaint .

  15. 据该研究所所长杨明透露,自5月2日起,这三辆巴士已经以每小时15公里的最高速度安全运送了1000多名乘客。

    Since May 2 , the three buses have carried more than 1000 passengers safely at a maximum speed of 15 km per hour , according to Yang Ming , director of the institute .