
  • 网络Yang Shulin;Terek bostan;poplar grove
  1. 基于ASTER遥感数据的杨树林分因子建模及制图研究

    A Study on Modeling & Mapping for Poplar Stands ' Parameters Based on ASTER Remote Sensed Datasets

  2. 在中、幼龄杨树林地、苗圃、单一品种果园等纯林林地(果园),鸟种组成、群体密度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,与小麦农田生态系统一样,在17种植被类型中较低;

    The species composition , the colony density and Shannon-Wiener indices of the middle-age forest and the younger growth , the nursery and the pure orchards are as lower as wheat fields in seventeen vegetations .

  3. 杨树林分结构及天牛危害的分析

    Analysis on Structure of Poplar Stands and the Damage Caused by Poplar Longicorn

  4. 额尔齐斯河天然杨树林叶面积指数及比叶面积的研究

    Leaf Area Index and Specific Leaf Area of Natural Poplars in Ergis Basin

  5. 杨树林分卫生间伐试验研究

    Experimental Study of Poplar Stand for Sanitation Disafforestation

  6. 杨树林带树木分化与分级的研究

    Differentiation and Classification of Poplar Tree in Shelterbelts

  7. 江汉平原杨树林下土壤酶及微生物的年动态变化

    Annual Dynamic Changes of Soil Enzyme and Microorganism under Poplars Forests in Jianghan Plain

  8. 长江滩地杨树林生态系统的碳通量特征

    Characteristics of Carbon Flux of Populus Forest in the Reaches of Yangtze River in Hunan

  9. 新疆额尔齐斯河天然杨树林根系生物量及分布特征

    Root Biomass and Distribution Characteristics of Natural Poplar Forest In Ergis River Area of Xinjiang

  10. 增加了杨树林内有益生物的多样性;

    Increasing bio-diversity in the forest ;

  11. 土壤动物群落的多样性为草地杨树林玉米田。

    The community diversity of soil animals in grassland that in poplar woods that in cornfield .

  12. 人工杨树林蜘蛛群落结构及动态分析

    Analysis on Dynamics and Structure of Spider Communities in Poplar Woods in Qufu of Shandong Province

  13. 谈天然杨树林改培为短轮伐期用材林的经营利用

    Discussed on the Management of cultivate Changes of Natural Poplar Woods to Short Rotation Timber Forest

  14. 杨树林带木材纤维长度变化规律及其在经营中的应用

    A study on regularity of the change of fiber length of wood in Poplar Shelterbelts and its application in shelterbelt management

  15. 本文在大量野外调查的基础上,对杨树林带树木的分化与树木分级及其应用等进行了研究。

    Based on large scale field investigation on shelterbelts , differentiation and classification Of popular shelterbelts trees were studied in the paper .

  16. 人工栽培适宜在杨树林地和苹果园进行;

    A LAND MADE OF FOREST forest . the most suitable culture areas for Morchella were poplar forest land and apple orchard ;

  17. 生活污水杨树林地慢速渗滤处理污染物去除率高,可以获得良好的污水处理效果。

    Slow rate land treatment system has a high efficiency on the pollutant removal and can achieve good results for the wastewater treatment .

  18. 结果表明:杨树林和刺槐林较大幅度地改善了土壤孔隙度、含水量、养分含量等等;

    The results revealed some changes in soil porosity , moisture content and nutrient content to the forest land amelioration , which shows establishing Populus spp.

  19. 单位面积地上部分生物量年平均增长量以杨树林最大,水杉林、柳杉林次之,刺槐林最低。

    Annual average increase of biomass of poplar forest above ground in unit area is greater than water fir 's , Chinese cryptomeria 's and black locust 's.

  20. 安庆杨树林生态系统碳通量及其影响因子研究

    Research on the Variation of Carbon Flux and the Relationship of Environmental Factors and Carbon Flux of Populus Forest Ecosystem in the Reaches of Yangtze River in Anqing

  21. 由于生活污水杨树林地处理拥有以上优势,在季节性干旱,尤其是春季干旱比较严重的中北部地区,可以广泛应用。

    As slow rate land treatment have the above advantages , it has a broad prospect in seasonal drought area , especially in the north-central region with the sever drought in spring .

  22. 结果表明:拉萨河谷土壤有机质含量普遍较低,其中沼泽草甸、人工杨树林有机质含量相对较高。

    Generally , soil organic matter in the valley is low . However , soil organic matters in swamp meadow and poplar forest are relatively higher than those of other soil types .

  23. 沼泽草甸、杨树林和灌丛草原类型在浅层土壤积累了相对较多的有机碳,而耕作类土壤如农田、弃耕地和苗圃的有机碳垂直分布则相对较均匀。

    Soil organic carbon accumulated relatively in lower soil layer in swamp meadow , poplar forest and scrub-steppe , while soil organic carbon distributed evenly in arable soils such as farmland , wasteland and plant nursery .

  24. 但是,由于干旱区特定的气候、地理、土壤、水资源等自然因素的限制,与其他学者关于杨树生物量和森林碳储量研究相比,本杨树林的生物量和碳储量较低。

    However , the biomass and carbon stock of poplar plantation in this study is low comparing to other scholars ' study , which is limited by the natural factors such as climate , geography , soil , water in the arid area .

  25. 通过对I-69杨和NL-80203树冠生长特性的分析,对同龄杨树林带抚育间伐技术进行了探讨。

    According to analysis of crown growth characteristics of two poplar species ( I-69 , NL-80203 ), the paper studied the tending and managing technology of poplar tree belts .

  26. 它们的叶子会在微风中颤抖。颤杨以能忍耐贫瘠土壤和寒冷气候而闻名。以它们的白色树皮为衬托,颤杨树林间闪烁着黄叶,预示着即将来临的冬天。

    Known for tolerating poor soils and cold climates , aspens flash yellow against their white bark in an unmistakable sign of coming winter .