
  • 网络Edward YANG
  1. 杨德昌始终诚实地用胶片书写着自己对人生和社会现实入木三分的观察、敏锐的思考和无情的批判,并以深刻的思想内涵和卓越的艺术技巧,创造了华语电影的一座高峰。

    Edward Yang always records his observation , meditation and criticism on life and society by films faithfully .

  2. 作为台湾新电影的代表人物之一,杨德昌电影总是在对于台湾社会现实进行理性的思辨。

    As a delegate of new movie in Taiwan , Edward Yang 's films always have being rational dispassion for Taiwan 's society realism .

  3. 杨德昌自己可能也有同感。

    That may have been Mr. Yang 's feeling as well .

  4. 重新观看这部影片,可以欣赏到杨德昌的小说式语言和他对时代细节的精确处理。

    To revisit the movie is to appreciate the precision of Mr. Yang 's period details and novelistic touches .

  5. 至于台湾对杨德昌电影的研究,情况基本与内地类似。

    As for the study about Yangs ' film in Taiwan , the situation is similar to that of mainland .

  6. 杨德昌(1947-2007)与其同代导演侯孝贤一道,令台湾电影跻身世界影坛。

    Along with his contemporary Hou Hsiao-hsien , Mr. Yang ( 1947-2007 ) helped usher Taiwanese cinema onto the world stage .

  7. 在2005年的一次访谈中,杨德昌说,拍摄这部电影“是我必须承担的一种责任”。

    In an interview published in 2005 , Mr. Yang called making the movie " a kind of responsibility that I had to take on . "

  8. 杨德昌作为台湾新电影运动的领军人物,其敏锐的观察力与深刻的思辨性一直为众人津津乐道。

    As a leader of Taiwan New Movie Movement , Edward Yang has always been talked about by the crowd for his keen observation and deep argument .

  9. 杨德昌是台湾新电影的重要导演之一,其影片深受东西方文化的影响,同时兼具理性与感性,呈现中西结合的思维模式。

    Edward Yang , one of the important directors of Taiwan films , is rational and emotional , and always shows thought patterns which are combining Chinese and Western .

  10. 生于上海,在台北长大,在佛罗里达大学读工程学的杨德昌,也是新电影运动中最国际化的一位。

    Mr. Yang was also the new cinema movement 's most cosmopolitan member - born in Shanghai , raised in Taipei and trained as an engineer at the University of Florida .

  11. 学校距离一个电影棚不远,让杨德昌可以借历史角色之口去评论他的电影和他的人物,尤其是两面派的小明去片场试镜的那场戏。

    The school 's proximity to a movie studio allows Mr. Yang to comment both on his film and his characters as historical actors , not least when the duplicitous Ming is given a screen test .

  12. 20世纪90年代初,我在一次台湾电影巡展中看到了《牯岭街少年杀人事件》,最打动我的是杨德昌把欧洲艺术电影的超然与好莱坞青年电影的华丽融为一体;

    Seeing " A Brighter Summer Day " in the early 1990s as part of a touring package of Taiwanese films , I was impressed by Mr. Yang 's synthesis of detached European art cinema and florid Hollywood youth films ;

  13. 杨德昌长达四小时的巨作《牯岭街少年杀人事件》描绘了台北青少年的生活,它在台湾电影世界中像一座恒久耸立的高峰,正如中学时代的记忆会给一个人以后的人生投下长久的阴影。

    As the memory of high school may cast a lingering shadow on later lives , so " A Brighter Summer Day , " Edward Yang 's magisterial four-hour drama of Taipei teenagers , looms over the landscape of Taiwanese cinema .