
  • 网络Vive L'Amour;Long live love;Viva Love
  1. 我想起那些聚集在我窗下的人群,他们高呼着:“爱情万岁!”

    And then I remember the crowds of people below my window , who shouted : " Long live love ! "

  2. 10点了。爱德华站起身,走到窗前。夜幕中,下面街道上站了好几百人。他们唱着歌,叫着他的名字:“爱德华,爱德华,我们爱爱德华!”他们喊着,“国王万岁!爱情万岁!”

    It was ten o' clock.Edward stood up and walked over to the window.In the dark streets below there were hundreds of people.They were singing and calling his name : 'Edward , Edward , we love Edward ! 'they shouted . 'Long live the King ! Long live love ! '

  3. 感谢上帝给了我沃利斯,爱情万岁!

    ' Thank God for Wallis , and LONG LIVE LOVE ! '

  4. “爱德华万岁!爱情万岁!爱德华万岁!爱情万岁!”

    Long live love ! Long live Edward ! Long live love ! '

  5. 我祝愿我的朋友,事业成功,爱情甜蜜。友谊万岁!

    I hope my good friend , can have the oneself the successful business the person whom love oneself , the comity banzai .