
  • 网络President of Ireland
  1. 该联盟包括利比里亚总统艾伦.约翰逊舍里夫、美国前总统克林顿、约旦王后诺尔、前爱尔兰总统玛莉.鲁宾逊,及前加拿大总理坎贝尔。

    Among those taking part in the initiative are Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf , former U.S. President Bill Clinton , Queen Noor of Jordan , former Irish President Mary Robinson , and former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell .

  2. 爱尔兰总统迈克尔?希金斯称桃乐丝的去世是“巨大的损失”,他表示桃乐丝与小红莓乐队“对爱尔兰和全球的摇滚和流行音乐影响深远。”

    Irish president Michael D Higgins called her death " a big loss , " and added O'Riordan 's work with The Cranberries " had an immense influence on rock and pop music in Ireland and internationally . "

  3. AV在澳大利亚、巴布亚新几内亚和斐济用于议会选举,在爱尔兰用于总统选举。

    Australia , Papua New Guinea and Fiji use AV in parliamentary elections , and Ireland uses it to elect its president .

  4. 这位爱尔兰前总统说,计划生育工作在文化方面是很敏感的,所以不能强加于某个群体。

    The former president of Ireland said family planning services must be culturally sensitive and cannot be imposed on a community .

  5. 爱尔兰前总统玛丽•罗宾森最近与一名埃塞俄比亚少女进行了友好交谈,询问了她有关结婚典礼的情况。

    Former Irish President Mary Robinson was just making polite conversation when she asked an Ethiopian teenager about her wedding day .

  6. 穆.易卜拉欣董事会的几位成员也和他一起出席了这次记者会,其中有爱尔兰前总统和联合国人权主管玛丽.鲁宾逊,非洲统一组织的前主席,也是坦桑尼亚的前总理萨利姆.艾哈迈德.萨利姆。

    He was joined by several board members of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation . Among them were Mary Robinson , the former president of Ireland and U.N. Human Rights chief , as well as Salim Ahmed Salim , the former head of the Organization of African Unity and former prime minister of Tanzania .

  7. 北爱尔兰是布什总统欧洲告别之旅的最后一站,此前他访问了斯洛文尼亚、德国、意大利和法国。

    It was the last stop on a farewell tour of Europe that has already taken the president to Slovenia , Germany , Italy and France .

  8. 五年后,也就是罗宾逊成为爱尔兰第一任女性总统五年后,她签署了一部将同性恋非罪化的法律。

    Five years later , after Ms. Robinson became Ireland 's first female president in 1990 , she signed a law decriminalizing homosexuality .