
  • 网络Ericsson;Sony Ericsson;Ericsson AB;L.M. Ericsson;ST-Ericsson
  1. 爱立信Locating算法及参数调整优化分析

    Ericsson Locating Algorithm and Analysis on Parameter Adjustment and Optimization

  2. 爱立信积极参与3G移动通信标准化工作

    Ericsson Actively Participate in Standardization of 3G

  3. 第三章详细介绍了爱立信公司ENGINE解决方案的具体内容、基本单元、信令标准、方案优点及其在世界范围的应用。

    Charter 3 introduces the detailed content , basic components , signaling standard , solution advantage of ENGINE , and its marketing situation .

  4. 爱立信端到端优化服务:GPRS数据业务的倍增器

    Ericsson 's End-to-end Optimized Service : GPRS Multiplier

  5. 蓝牙(Bluetooth)是一种低功率短距离的无线连接技术规范,蓝牙技术的概念是爱立信公司于1995年提出的,这一概念很快便被业界普遍接受。

    The Bluetooth is the specification of low power and short distance wireless connection technology .

  6. Three还将让其英国团队承接部分工作,这意味着华为所获合同的价值不如Three与爱立信之间的原始合同。

    Three will also assume some of the work into its own UK teams , which means that the value of the contract awarded to Huawei is less than the original deal with Ericsson .

  7. 最终,价值50亿美元的招标被爱立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯和三星公司(Samsung)瓜分。

    The $ 5 billion prize was split among Ericsson , Alcatel-Lucent , and Samsung .

  8. 索尼爱立信(SonyEricsson):下滑0.6%(环比下滑11%)

    Sony Ericsson ( SNE ) , down 0.6 points ( 11 % )

  9. 但爱立信管理人员发展部门项目主管史蒂夫纽曼(stevenewman)对此并不感到后悔。

    But Steve Newman , programme director for executive development at Ericsson , is unrepentant .

  10. 中国移动与中国第二大运营商中国联通(ChinaUnicom)今年均削减了资本支出,使得爱立信在其仅次于美国的第二大市场面临压力。

    China Mobile and China Unicom , the number-two operator , have both cut capital expenditure this year , putting Ericsson under pressure in its biggest market after the US .

  11. 爱立信WCDMA无线网络建设解决方案

    Ericsson WCDMA Radio Solution

  12. 1998年爱立信在改良的MPL(MozillaPublicLicense)许可下将Erlang发布于开源社区。

    In1998 Ericsson released Erlang to the open source community under a Modified MPL ( Mozilla Public License ) .

  13. 科罗拉多大学(UniversityofColorado)一位名叫安德斯·爱立信(AndersEricsson)的教授决定研究到底是什么把业余爱好者和专业人士区别开来的这个课题。

    A Professor at the University of Colorado named Anders Ericsson decided to look at what separates amateurs from professionals .

  14. 他们需要的是在没有4G网络的环境下也能够爱立信移动网络中运行的应用程序。

    and they will need applications that can work in non-4G areas on Ericsson 's mobile networks .

  15. 黑莓手机生产商RIM、LG和索尼爱立信(SonyEricsson)的表现也相当不错。

    Rim ( RIMM ) , LG , and Sony Ericsson ( SNE ) were also doing well .

  16. 在印度,瑞典电信设备制造商爱立信(Ericsson)去年在德里高院(DelhiHighCourt)起诉小米专利侵权。印度是小米最具潜力的海外市场。

    In India , its largest prospective foreign market , Xiaomi last year faced a patent lawsuit in a Delhi High Court by Swedish telecoms equipment maker Ericsson .

  17. 在R&D因此,有关LTE的和持续的投资,在继续为爱立信必不可少的。

    Hence , relevant and continuous investments in R & D within LTE continue to be essential for Ericsson .

  18. 爱立信和诺基亚西门子通信(NokiaSiemensNetworks)仍然是全球最大的移动网络设备制造商。(诺基亚西门子是芬兰手机制造商诺基亚旗下的基础设施部门。)

    Ericsson and Nokia Siemens Networks , the infrastructure unit controlled by Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia , remain the largest manufacturers of mobile network equipment globally .

  19. 0接口技术是由Intel,惠普,微软,NEC,ST-爱立信以及德州仪器几家公司共同开发的。

    The specification was developed by Intel , Hewlett-Packard , Microsoft , NEC , ST-Ericsson , and Texas Instruments .

  20. 在本文的案例中,对笔者工作所在的爱立信公司OEM供应商开发和管理作了介绍。

    In the following part of this dissertation , there is a practical case of Ericsson OEM supplier development and management .

  21. 按收入衡量,华为是全球第二大电信网络设备供应商,排名仅次于瑞典的爱立信(Ericsson)。

    Huawei is the world 's second-largest supplier of telecom networking gear by revenue after Sweden 's Ericsson .

  22. 爱立信、诺基亚、阿尔卡特、摩托罗拉、西门子等著名的通信设备商积极的行动,向电信运营商介绍各自的MMS技术和解决方案;

    Ericsson , Nokia , Alcatel , Motorola and Siemens etc are busy with introducing their MMS solutions to operators ;

  23. 譬如,手机生产商索尼-爱立信(SonyEricsson)就于7月份在北京开设了一家研发中心。

    For example , Sony-Ericsson , the mobile handset maker , opened an R & D centre in Beijing this July .

  24. 主要经营摩托罗拉,索尼爱立信,诺基亚,三星等世界知名厂家的手机外壳,手机液晶,手机排线,手机摄像头,手机IC等。

    Main management Motorola , Sony Ericsson , Nokia , Samsung handset outer covering , handset LCD , handset arranges the line Handset camera , handset IC and so on .

  25. 而且它还指出,由华为的主要竞争对手&爱立信、阿尔卡特-朗讯和诺基亚西门子(NokiaSiemens)推出的大部分设备其实也都是在中国制造的。

    It also points out that most equipment made by its main competitors Ericsson , Alcatel-Lucent , and Nokia Siemens is manufactured in China .

  26. 在近几年对3G网络大举投资之后,中国运营商已逐渐放缓基础设施支出。爱立信希望,服务业务的增长将抵消这种放缓。

    Ericsson hopes that growth in services will offset the slowdown in infrastructure spending by Chinese operators after a surge in investment on third-generation networks over recent years .

  27. 路透社今早报导,索尼爱立信表示仍将按照原计划于今春在华推出Android手机,没有延期的打算。

    Reuters reported this morning that Sony Ericsson has no plans to delay the launch of its Android phone in China , which is set for this spring .

  28. 目前,诺基亚正与中国的华为(Huawei)及瑞典的爱立信(Ericsson)竞争网络运营商的下一代移动设备供货合同。

    Nokia is competing against China 's Huawei and Sweden 's Ericsson for contracts to supply next generation mobile equipment to network operators .

  29. 《财富》专栏作家迈克尔·列弗·拉姆与爱立信(Ericsson)首席执行官卫翰思的对话拉开了“2014年科技头脑风暴大会”的帷幕。

    Brainstorm Tech 2014 kicked off with a conversation between Fortune 's Michal Lev-Ram and Hans Vestberg , CEO of Ericsson .

  30. 按市场份额计算,全球最大的电信设备制造商爱立信(Ericsson)二季度利润同比下滑63%。

    Ericsson , the biggest telecom-equipment maker by market share , saw second-quarter profits fall 63 % from a year earlier .