
  • 网络edward viii;King Edward VIII;duke of windsor
  1. 爱德华八世为了与离过婚的美国人沃利斯·辛普森(WallisSimpson)结婚,在1936年12月放弃了王位。

    As Edward VIII , he renounced the throne in December 1936 to marry the American divorc é e Wallis Simpson .

  2. 在伦敦萨维尔街,曾是爱德华八世的裁缝的亨斯迈公司(Huntsman)的创意总监RoubiL'Roubi发现,亚洲客户专门到这家伦敦商店订购花呢西装。

    Roubi L'Roubi , creative director of Huntsman of Savile Row - once the tailor to King Edward VIII - has found that customers from Asia are visiting the London shop specifically to order tweed suits .

  3. 就好像历史上的乔治六世和他的弟弟爱德华八世,后者为了傲慢的美国新娘WallisSimpson而不惜退位,这点另他的嫂嫂,也就是后来的伊丽莎白女王很厌恶——现在这样的戏码又上演了。

    It 's as if the painful history of George VI and his brother , Edward VIII - who abdicated for the love of his brash US bride , Wallis Simpson , to the disgust of his sister-in-law , later Queen Elizabeth - is being played out all over again .

  4. 英王爱德华八世娶了离异的辛普森夫人后退位。

    King Edward VIII abdicated when he married the divorced Mrs simpson .

  5. 乔治五世去世后,爱德华八世继位。

    The succession of Edward at the death of george .

  6. 我对爱德华八世的退位感到遗憾。

    I am sorry that Edward VIII has been bounced into abdicating .

  7. 爱德华八世-后来称作温莎公爵。

    Edward VIII & later styled Duke of Windsor .

  8. 你知道英王爱德华八世放弃王位的原因吗?

    Do you know the reason of King Edward the 8th 's abdication ?

  9. 爱德华八世放弃英王地位时,他使整个世界感到惊讶。

    When Edward VIII abdicated the British throne , he surprised the entire world .

  10. 爱德华八世逊位的日子。

    The day Edward VIII abdicated .

  11. 自威廉一世以后,除两位未加冕的英王爱德华五世及爱德华八世外,历代英王均在此加冕。

    Every British sovereign since William the Conqueror has been crowned in the abbey except Edward V and Edward VIII .

  12. 皇室成员包括了玛丽公主和两名未来的国王,即爱德华八世和乔治四世,都穿着儿童水手装。

    The royal party included Princess Mary and two future kings , Edward VIII and George vi , in sailor suits .

  13. 很高兴王室坚持对抗内阁,维持爱德华八世的婚姻。

    I am glad the Royal Family are resisting the Cabinet in their attempt to keep Edward VIII 's marriage quiet .

  14. 至于乔治五世的继承人爱德华八世和辛普森夫人到地中海度假的新闻,在普林斯顿引起了一阵轰动。

    As for George V 's successor , the revelations of Edward VIII 's Mediterranean cruise and Mrs Simpson created a particular sensation at Princeton .

  15. 这件由玛瑙和钻石镶嵌而成的豹形手镯是“爱江山更爱美人”的英王爱德华八世送给温莎公爵夫人的礼物。爱德华八世也因为这段风流韵事于1936年主动退位。

    The onyx and diamond panther bracelet was once owned by Wallis Simpson , whose love affair with King Edward VIII led to his abdication in1936 .

  16. 国王爱德华八世曾因舍弃王位而轰动一时,因为王室认为君王和平民之间的婚姻是不平等的。他为了深深迷恋的有过两次婚史的美国社会名流沃利斯·辛普森而走了这样的极端。

    King Edward VIII created a sensation when he bequeathed his throne that deemed marriages between the monarchs and commoners as unequal.He took this extreme step for the sake of twice-divorced US socialite , Wallis Simpson ,

  17. 然而这对恋人得到共和党支持,成为真爱的化身。他们于1936年结婚,成为温莎公爵及公爵夫人。然而公爵夫人沃利斯·辛普森从未被皇室成员所接受,直至30年后国王爱德华八世逝世。

    with whom he was smitten.The republicans however supported their cause and the couple became an embodiment of true love.They were married in 1936 becoming Duke and Duchess of Windsor.The Duchess , Wallis Simpson was , however never accepted by the members of the royal family , until thirty years later after the death of King Edward VIII .

  18. 做出同样姿势的还有女王的母亲以及伊丽莎白的伯父爱德华王子,即后来的英国国王爱德华八世。

    The queen mother and Elizabeth 's uncle , Prince Edward , who would become King Edward VIII , also make the gesture .