
  1. 两人于2018年10月分手,到2018年11月3日,格兰德发布了单曲《thanku,next》,这首歌几乎结束了他们的爱情传奇。

    The pair split in October 2018 , and by Nov. 3 , 2018 , Grande had released a track , " thank u , next , " which pretty much concluded their relationship saga .

  2. 略论唐代三大爱情传奇

    On Three Remarkable Legendary Love Stories in the Tang Dynasty

  3. 唐代爱情传奇中的童话世界

    World of Fairy Tales in Love Legend of Tang Dynasty

  4. 这些爱情传奇多为悲剧,理想在现实中的夭折是其共有的情节模式。

    The love romances whose plot mode is abortion in reality of ideal owned in common are mostly the tragedy .

  5. 唐代士子的梦中情人&唐代爱情传奇女性形象刍议

    The ideal Sweethearts of Scholars in Tang Dynasty & discussion of the female figures in the Tang Dynasty legends about love

  6. 北宋史学、理学、博学视野中的唐诗论从中唐三大爱情传奇解析唐代士子的情感心境

    The Comment on Tang Poetry in the Visual Field of Historian , Idealist and Learned Scholar ; To analyse the emotional state of the Tang Dynasty intellectuals Through the three well-known love legend of the mid-Tang Dynasty

  7. 而纸质正规出版的耽美文学作品数量少且仅涉及爱情、传奇、动漫、奇幻四个题材。

    But there are many fewer formal publishing works , and only involves four themes of love , legend , anime and fantasy .

  8. 美酒与爱情的古老传奇

    Brands ancient legend of wine and love