
  • 网络Colorful;Chromatic color
  1. 这部电影有彩色版。

    The film is available in a colorized version .

  2. CDFI未发现滑膜表面及内部有彩色血流信号。

    We do not find color flow signal on the surface and internal synovial with CDFI . 2 .

  3. 图像有彩色边缘的一种光学上的色差现象。

    An optical aberration in which the image has colored fringes .

  4. 45pm这玩意有彩色屏幕以及控制滚轮。

    45pm-It has a color display and a click wheel .

  5. 有彩色电视机、音响设备,并有闭路电视演播系统。

    Color TV , Stereo , Close-Circuit Television Video Studio ;

  6. 我是谁?我有彩色的羽毛。

    Who am I ? I have colorful feathers !

  7. 金属或亮塑料手镯和脚链,链子上要镶有彩色宝石。

    Jewellery : cuff bracelets and slave bangles in metallics and bright plastic .

  8. 有的镶有彩色图案或书法用以装饰。

    Some of them are engraved with coloured pictures or calligraphy for decoration .

  9. 即使有彩色语法显示,阅读和理解这些代码仍然比较困难。

    Even with syntax coloring , it was still difficult to read and understand .

  10. 房间里有彩色电视吗?

    Does the room have a color tv ?

  11. 珠宝首饰。金属或亮塑料手镯和脚链,链子上要镶有彩色宝石。

    Jewellery : cuff bracelets and slave bangles in metallics and bright plastic . Chains with coloured gemstones ..

  12. 我们希望购买不同形状并绘有彩色图案的优质茶杯和茶托。

    We wish to buy quality tea cup and saucer of different shape , fully decorate with colored design .

  13. 但是随著科技发达,萨克斯风的颜色已经持续在增加当中,甚至有彩色的萨克斯风。

    However , with new technologies , the numbers of colors have increased and even includes a multicolor sax .

  14. 结果:151只眼视网膜脱离和27只眼脉络膜脱离检测有彩色血流信号;

    Results : The color blood flow signal was detected in retinal detachment ( 151 eyes ) and the choroidal detachment ( 27 eyes );

  15. 通过对无彩色、有彩色、无彩色有彩色结合这3种形式的服装色彩搭配进行分析,提出了服装色彩搭配的基本规律。

    This paper proposes the basic rules for clothing color matching by analyzing its three forms : colorless , colored and the combination of colorless and colored .

  16. 还发给我们有彩色号码的运动衫与带网眼的棒球帽,接下来我们就开始一个赛季的相互比赛。

    We 'd be supplied with color-coded jerseys and mesh baseball caps , and then we would play a season 's worth of games against one another .

  17. 他穿着上面有彩色条纹的海员T恤,普通长裤是用绳子而不是裤带系着的,赤着双脚。

    He was wearing a sailor 's T-shirt with colored stripes and ordinary trousers held up by a rope instead of a belt , and he was barefoot .

  18. 采用全棉色布、单面覆有彩色橡胶层、胶布轻薄弹性好,专供出口制作旅游雨衣或防水工作服。

    This is cotton fabrics coated of coloured rubber layer with thin , light , elastic characteristics to be specifically remade for tourist rain coats and super working suits .

  19. 非马然后我们驱车去有彩色玻璃穹顶的暖房看那株种了两千年且用人子的血灌溉过的十字架是否开了花

    We then drove to the greenhouse to see if the Cross was in bloom the Cross that was planted 2000 years ago the Cross that was once watered with blood

  20. 病灶位置左侧1例,右侧5例,双侧8例,10例病灶内均见有彩色血流信号。

    The site of tumor : 1case was located on left side , 5 cases on right side , 8 cases were bilateral . There were color blood flow signal in 10 cases .

  21. 从照片上可以看出,夏洛特公主已经会走路。其中一张照片上,夏洛特公主推着一辆玩具车,车里有彩色积木,另一张照片中,夏洛特公主抱着泰迪熊开心大笑。

    They revealed the little girl was already walking , as she leaned on a toy trolley full of colourful bricks on one shot , beaming with delight at her toy teddy in another .

  22. 在大学网站主色调的设计中,备受欢迎的是有彩色系列。例如,蓝色、绿色和黄色等。而无彩色系列则受欢迎的程度较低,尤其是十分不喜欢以灰色为主色调的网站。

    In university websites , people prefer to the colored series , such as blue , green and yellow , however , the neutral series is less welcome , especially whose main color is gray .

  23. 8例用彩色多普勒检查发现前列腺移行区内部或周缘部有彩色血流信号,测得动脉的阻力指数多在0.50~0.71,峰值流速7~21cm/s;

    Patient were examined by CDFI . Blood signals in internal and peripheral transition zone were found . Resistance index is 0 50 ~ 0 71 , systolic peak velocity is 7 ~ 21 cm / s.

  24. 打开XML文件,右击XML文件,选择“浏览页面资源”。出现的将是有显示彩色标记的根子目录的XML文档。

    Open the XML file , then right-click in XML file and select " View Page Source " . The XML document will then be displayed with color-coded root and child elements .

  25. 现今我们有了彩色电视。

    We have colour TV in these latter days .

  26. 必须已经安装有那个彩色状态栏。

    Must have Rinku Icon bar installed .

  27. 接着肯找到一本里面有很多彩色插图的科学书。

    Then Ken found a science book and it had many colorful pictures in it .

  28. 有多数彩色发出光的两极管,和时常做如此鉴于线路。

    There are many color light-emitting diodes , and often do so in the light of the circuit .

  29. 常规超声检查观察肾占位大小、回声、边界、有无彩色血流信号。

    The size , echo , boundary and color flow signals of renal lesions were observed by conventional US .

  30. 红外线彩色照相有普通彩色照相和黑白红外线照相所不具备的优异性,但是也存在一些无法克服的缺点。

    The IR color photography has several advantages which are not provided by the regular color photography and the IR black-and-white photography .