
yǒu yì yuán sù
  • beneficial element
  1. 有益元素Si、Na和Al的含量在三年生粉白色种子内为最低。

    Content of beneficial element Si , Na and Al was the lowest in Moderate matured triennial seed .

  2. 硅素是一种可以改善农作物品质的有益元素。

    Silicon is a beneficial element that can improve the quality of the crops .

  3. 铁磷矿体呈层状,大的透镜状产出,还伴生Ti、V等有益元素。

    Iron / phosphate orebody associated with useful elements like Ti , V. etc.

  4. 分析莒县农村饮用水中有益元素硒、锌、铜、锰、偏硅酸、PH值的分布特点,将之与山东长寿之乡单县地区的检测值进行比较。

    Characteristic of Selenium , Zinc , Copper , Manganese , Metasilicic acid were analyzed and compared to those in Shan County .

  5. 土壤酸化还造成K、Na、Ca、Mg等盐基离子大量淋失,有益元素有效态含量也急剧减少,土壤肥力下降,养分贫瘠,土壤质量下降。

    Moreover , soil acidification causes big losses of electropositive ions such as K , Na , Ca , Mg by eluviation , and rapidly decreases the available beneficial elements , therefore resulting in a reduction in soil fertility , nutrient and quality .

  6. 使用Al带包裹Fe、Ni粉,并加入适量的B和RE等有益元素制备铝基粉芯丝材,采用电弧喷涂技术制备了铝基涂层。

    In other words , Fe-Al coatings have a great value for industries . Al-base cored wires were prepared by using Al-strip to wrap Fe , Ni powder and other elements such as B and RE . Al-base coatings were produced by arc spraying process .

  7. 植物体有益元素硅的研究进展

    Research progress in the beneficial elements - silicon for plants

  8. 此外,某些植物还需要一些其他的有益元素。

    In addition , some plants may need other elements .

  9. 矿床中除铅锌矿外还伴生有银、硫、铜、锰等多种有益元素。

    The lead-zinc ores contain Ag , S , Cu , Mn , etc.

  10. 山西省饮用天然矿泉水有益元素分析

    Discussed on the Valuable Elements of Drinking Natural Mineral Water in Shanxi Province

  11. 有益元素对水稻种子萌发的生理效应

    The Effects of Na_2SeO_3 on the Germinating Rice Seeds

  12. 结论:盐制法对全蝎中宏量与微量元素含量有明显影响,盐制法对提高全蝎中有益元素含量有作用。

    Conclusion : Processing with brine in Scorpion have obvious effect on element contents .

  13. 结果表明,有益元素与有害元素对DNATm值高低的影响明显不同。

    The results show that the effects of harmful and beneficial elements are obviously different .

  14. 钴是植物生长的有益元素,对多种作物有增产作用。

    Cobalt , as one of the beneficial elements , contributes to the development of plants .

  15. 在施用氮磷钾肥基础上配施硅肥、硼肥等有益元素和微量元素,探讨其对百合生长的影响。

    Effects of silicon , boron and other trace elements on the physiological properties of lily were studied .

  16. 硅是大多数作物的有益元素,在果树上的应用未见报道。

    Silicon is beneficial to most crops , but there has not been any report on its application to fruit trees .

  17. 结论:导数火焰原子吸收法是测定中药中微量有益元素的一种灵敏度较高的方法。

    CONCLUSIONS The derivative flame atom absorption methord is a comparable high sensitive way to test the beneficial element in traditional Chinese medicine .

  18. 从有益元素及蛋白质角度评价其营养价值;从有害重金属元素及食盐含量角度评价其安全性。

    The nutritional value was evaluated by the beneficial elements and proteins , and the safety was evaluated by harmful heavy metals and salt contents .

  19. 教育专家提出了将游戏中的一些有益元素引入到教学中,把教育与游戏相结合从而产生教育游戏。

    Experts put forward a theory to introduce some beneficial elements of games into the teaching activities , and create educational games by combining the two .

  20. 本文主要对矿床成矿元素及伴生有益元素的赋存状态及变化规律进行归纳总结。

    In this paper , the metallogenic elements , the occurrence state of the useful associated elements and its changing regularity are mainly reduced and summed up .

  21. 试验结果表明,锡、铟是银基钎料中的有益元素,其最佳含量均为5%。

    The results show that Sn and In are advantageous elements in silver filler metal and the optimum content for both is up to 5 % respectively .

  22. 钴是植物的有益元素,作为根瘤菌中若干种酶的金属辅基,是植物固氮过程中必不可少的元素。

    Cobalt is supposed to be a beneficial element of plant , which plays an essential role in nitrogen-fixation as the metal component of several enzymes in rhizobia .

  23. 因此,本试验的目的旨在系统研究不同中微量及有益元素对土壤镉有效性的影响及其对小麦生长和吸收镉的影响。

    Thus , the objectives of this study were to systematically investigate effects of secondary , micro-and beneficial elements on availability of soil Cd and Cd uptake by wheat .

  24. 在系统地研究了镓在钢中的分布、镓与磷的互作用及镓与氢的互作用后指出,残留在钢中的镓是有益元素,能改善钢的韧性。

    The systematic investigations of gallium distribution in steels , interaction of gallium-phosphorus and gallium-hydrogen show that the residual gallium is the useful element which improves the toughness of steels .

  25. 本品采用独特配方,以侏罗纪地层的古代原盐为原料,内含多种矿物质及有益元素,采用先进工艺精制而成。

    The product is a unique formula to the ancient Jurassic salt as raw materials , contains a variety of minerals and beneficial element , the use of advanced refining process .

  26. 结合中国的国情,我们既要汲取后现代主义科学观的有益元素,也要警惕它对科技发展的负面影响。

    Considering the Chinese situations , we should take in the beneficial elements of post-modernism view of science , and meanwhile we should watch out its negative effects on scientific development .

  27. 硅作为大多数植物的有益元素,有研究者将含有硅的物质用于镉污染土壤改良中,发现其有缓解植物镉毒害的作用。

    Silicon as a beneficial element for most plants , the researchers used silicon-containing material for the improvement of cadmium contaminated soil , found that it had ease the plant cadmium toxicity .

  28. 土壤中的铝元素对茶树的生长发育具有特殊的生物学效应,而硅则是许多植物生长发育的有益元素。

    It has been known that aluminum in soil has a special biological effect towards tea tree 's growth and development and even silicon is a beneficial element to most plants ' growth .

  29. 硒是动物、人类和微生物的必需元素,也是植物生长发育的有益元素,主要通过胞内硒蛋白、硒多糖等参与并调控细胞代谢。

    Selenium ( Se ), an essential micronutrient for animals , humans and microorganisms , is also a beneficial nutrient for growth and development of many plants . Selenoproteins and selenium polysaccharide are involved in cell metabolism .

  30. 根际是养分、水分、有益元素和有毒物质作用于植物根系或进入根系参与生物链物质循环的门户,根际发生的变化对植物的生长和发育有着深刻的影响。

    Rhizosphere is a doorway that the nutrients , water , beneficial elements and toxic substances enter and affect plant roots to play an important role in the food chain and nutrient cycling . Changes of rhizosphere make a significant effect on plant growth and development .