
  • 网络xerxes;Artaxerxes
  1. 但你只带了这点士兵来对抗薛西斯?

    But you bring only this handful of soldiers against Xerxes ?

  2. 这薛西斯的帝国里,最晦暗一面所带来的惨况

    coughed forth from the darkest corner of Xerxes ' empire .

  3. 一切薛西斯眼神停留过的事物都被他征服了。

    Xerxes conquers and controls everything he rests his eyes upon .

  4. 薛西斯,你手下奴隶虽不少但勇士却不多。

    You have many slaves , Xerxes , but few warriors .

  5. 作为斯巴达臣服雨薛西斯意志的象征。

    A token of Sparta 's submission to the will of Xerxes .

  6. 薛西斯从半个世界之遥,派来了他的怪兽

    Xerxes dispatches his monsters from half the world away .

  7. 薛西斯王的贴身卫队,波斯的菁英战士

    The personal guard to King Xerxes himself . The Persian warrior elite .

  8. 我猜你一定是薛西斯。

    Let me guess . You must be Xerxes .

  9. 亲王们的确给薛西斯施加压力。

    The princes did indeed press upon xerxes .

  10. 谁将是下一个被薛西斯派来送死的?

    Whom will Xerxes dare to send next ?

  11. 你那种希波克拉底①拒绝阿尔塔薛西斯②的破钢烂铁的姿势对我一丁点作用也不起。

    You produce on me no effect with your gesture of Hippocrates refusing Artaxerxes'bric-a-brac .

  12. 薛西斯对他的将领们失望透了

    King Xerxes is displeased with his generals .

  13. 一个阿尔塔薛西斯三世浑身血污,影影绰绰地兴盛了一段时间。

    An Artaxerxes III , covered with blood , flourishes dimly for a time .

  14. 你错了,是薛西斯挑的头…

    You are wrong . Xerxes brought it forth

  15. 我们看到的只是薛西斯军队里的一小部分怪兽。

    We saw but a fraction of the monster that is xerxes 's army .

  16. 我们看到的不过是薛西斯大军的一小部分。

    We saw but a fraction of the monster that is Xerxes ' army .

  17. 天王薛西斯王只有一个简单的要求:

    All the GodKing Xerxes requires is this :

  18. 公元前480年,波斯王薛西斯率数十万铁骑攻向希腊。

    In480 BC , the Persian king Xerxes sends his massive army to conquer Greece .

  19. 一个驼背的叛徒,带薛西斯的不死军,从牧羊古道包抄到我们后面

    Our hunchback traitor led Xerxes ' lmmortals to the hidden goat path behind us .

  20. 我们把残破的肢体和破碎的心,送回到薛西斯的脚下

    We send the severed bodies and the fragile hearts back to Xerxes ' feet .

  21. 然而,与薛西斯不同,我们敢于面对新环境下的挑战。

    However , unlike Xerxes , we faced up to the challenges of our new environment .

  22. 向神圣的薛西斯王下跪

    and kneel to holy Xerxes .

  23. 薛西斯中计了

    Xerxes has taken the bait .

  24. 薛西斯王向陆地及各海岛的居民徵税。

    And king Assuerus made all the land , and all the islands of the sea tributary .

  25. 你献上一块土和一瓢水表示斯巴达愿意臣服于薛西斯的意志。

    A simple offering of earth and water ... a token of Sparta 's submission to the will of Xerxes .

  26. 薛西斯回到港口之后,下令赐船长金王冠一顶,答谢他救命之恩;

    Reaching the harbour , Xerxes ordered that a golden crown be presented to the captain for saving his life .

  27. 尽管薛西斯一世在率领军队上一枝独秀,但他仍为花了这么大力气去赢得这场战争感到十分愤怒。

    he was still incredibly annoyed at how difficult it had been for his army to attain victory in the first place .

  28. 薛西斯会损失惨重,军心涣散,他除了退兵,别无选择。

    Xerxes ' losses will be so great , his men so demoralized he will have no choice but to abandon his campaign .

  29. 谁赢了?双方都赢了。这不是如同薛西斯一世必须战败德米斯托克利斯才能打胜的零和战争。

    Who won ? Both did ; this was no zero-sum battle in which Xerxes had to lose in order for Themistocles to win .

  30. 在您谷歌搜索之前,我想对您说,没错,这里的薛西斯一世就是电影中那个拥有纯金王座的波斯国王薛西斯一世。

    Before you Google it to check , yes , Xerxes I was the Persian king with the solid gold throne in the film 300 .