
  1. 薛其坤因在量子反常霍尔效应方面做出的开拓性贡献获奖。量子反常霍尔效应的发现帮助加速推进信息技术革命,有助于研发低能耗电子器件。

    Xue Qikun has been awarded for his pioneering contribution in the quantum anomalous Hall effect , a discovery that has helped accelerate the IT revolution and in developing low-power-consumption electronics .

  2. 香港中文大学化学病理学系教授卢煜明和清华大学物理学家薛其坤分别获得未来科学大奖下设的两大奖项:生命科学奖和物质科学奖。

    Dennis Lo Yuk-ming , professor of chemical pathology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong , and Xue Qikun , a physicist at Tsinghua University , respectively won the Life Science Award and the Materials Science Award , two categories of the Future Science Awards .