
  1. 可是你并没有忘记张杰,反而还爱着他。

    But you have not forgotten Zhang Jie , but still love him .

  2. 如今,我认为在这里我可以更好的支持张杰。

    As far as I am concerned , now , I can better support Zhang Jie in here .

  3. 这名29岁的摄影师名叫张杰(音),住在巴黎。他说,他怀念那些锁。

    The photographer , Zhang Jie , 29 , who lives in Paris , said he missed the locks .

  4. 携程机构负责海外游学的张杰表示,现在的父母们想让他们的孩子学到新的东西。

    Zhang Jie , head of overseas study tours for Ctrip , said parents today want their children to learn new things .

  5. 另一位卖家张杰(音)说,由于有越来越多的卖家出售谷歌眼镜,他出售谷歌眼镜的利润率受到冲击。

    Another seller , Zhang Jie , said his margins on the glasses have been getting hit as more and more vendors catch on .

  6. 事后,绵阳市委对外宣传办公室副主任张杰告诉记者,安全官员获准在任何时候制止任何采访。

    Zhang Jie , deputy head of the Mianyang Communist party propaganda office , later said security officers were allowed to stop any interview at any time .

  7. 今天对北京23岁的新娘张杰和31岁的新郎马昕来说是毫不夸张的“双喜临门”,他们将婚礼定于这个重要时刻”。

    Today is quite literally a time of " double happiness " for Beijing bride Zhang Jie , 23 , and groom Ma Xin , 31 , who scheduled their wedding to coincide with the momentous occasion .

  8. 张杰,就是那个让我打算用我的余生,无论他未来的路有多么崎岖,多么艰难,也打算陪他走到最后的那个人。

    Zhang Jie , let me is that I intend to use the rest of his life , regardless of his future how bumpy the road , however difficult , but also intends to go the final with him that person .

  9. 上海交通大学校长张杰在接受SciDev.Net采访时说:“吸引真正高端人才的关键在于建立一个评价机制,能够客观肯定候选人价值。”

    Zhang Jie , principal of Shanghai Jiao Tong University , told SciDev . Net : " The key to attracting real top talent is to set up a mechanism able to assess a candidate 's value in an objective way . "