
  • 网络upstream authorities
  1. 经过表决决定把这件事提交给上级主管部门。

    It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority .

  2. 方法:系统考虑各医疗机构之间协调性及医疗机构与上级主管部门的主从关系,运用DEA分层系统评价方法测算卫生人力总数、床位数、医疗设备总值、药品支出等医疗资源配置情况。

    Methods : Consider the coordination between medical organizations , relation between medical organization and superior administrators , calculate gross number of health manpower , number of beds , gross value of medical equipment , payout of medicine by DEA layered assessment system .

  3. 这些带有神经麻醉作用的药品由上级主管部门专控。

    These anaesthesia medicines are the superior management departments .

  4. 神经麻醉作用的药品由上级主管部门专控。

    These anaesthesia medicines are under the special control of the superior management departments .

  5. 目前,此情况已向上级主管部门汇报。

    Relevant local authorities have already been informed .

  6. 省通信管理局向上级主管部门提出相关的建议得到了认同。

    And the Department 's relevant suggestions has got the approval from its superior management .

  7. 而我国目前除了上级主管部门定期监察之外,缺乏更有效的安全监管措施。

    However , our country lacks more effective safety ward precautions , besides supervised regularly by superior departments now .

  8. 为客户或上级主管部门设计演示文稿时,您希望做到详细具体。

    When you design a presentation for customers or upper management , you want to be clear and thorough .

  9. 企业设备管理技术经济指标是企业本身和上级主管部门设备管理的重要内容之一,是企业、行业设备技术经济状况的综合反映。

    Technical & economical index of equipments management is one of the important matters of enterprises and its superior administrative department .

  10. 在此,我们要感谢帮助和支持我们的上级主管部门。

    Here , we would like to express our gratitude to the higher administrative departments who have been helping and supporting us .

  11. 根据可行性研究报告的规定和上级主管部门的审查意见进行总平面设计。

    The general plane is designed according to the provisions of the feasibility study report and the review comments made by the senior authority .

  12. 方法根据本地区院前急救的疾病谱,按上级主管部门的规定,配备相应的急救物资,应用五常法的基本理论,采用个人负责、三级检查、持续改进的综合管理方法。

    Methods According to the native regular emergency diseases and the orders of superior section make out a general method for emergency materials management .

  13. 结论:护士自身、医院各级管理者、学会及上级主管部门应共同努力,以帮助护士提高心理适应能力,减轻和消除心理压力。

    Conclusion : Nurses , hospital managers , nursing association and officials in charge should try together to help nurses increase psychological adaptability and decrease stress level .

  14. 上级主管部门对大学科技园的发展非常重视,也对大学科技园提出了更高的要求。

    The superior departments in charge of the University Science Park development seriously very much , also on the University Science Park has put forward higher requirements .

  15. 铁道、交通的食品卫生监督员,由其上级主管部门发给证书。

    The food hygiene supervisors appointed by departments in charge of railways and communications agencies shall be issued with the certificates by the competent authorities at a higher level .

  16. 教育评估是上级主管部门进行宏观调控的一种机制,是对学校教学工作进行指导的一种手段,是进一步提高教学质量和管理水平的强大推动力。

    Education evaluation is a system applied by super administrative department to control education , a method to guide college teaching , and a powerful impetus to improve teaching quality and management standard .

  17. 体制壁垒制约电视台进入经营市场,电视节目同质化、低俗化现象严重,受到受众和政府上级主管部门的双重质疑。

    System barriers which hinder TV stations into the markets , the serious phenomena of the copies of TV programs and the vulgar qualities , have been questioned by the audience and the government .

  18. “恳请广大学生家长勿轻信网络谣言……对于大家关注的教育公平问题,我们将积极向上级主管部门反映。”

    A statement by the Puyang government said : " We hope parents will not believe online rumours . Everyone cares about fair education and we will take the issue to our superiors . "

  19. 任何学生如果已开始学习但又不想完成全部学业而提出申请退款的,将视具体情况,由上级主管部门处理。

    Any applications for refund if students do not complete the study tour once it has commenced will be decided on the merits of each case individually and at the discretion of senior management .

  20. 目前,多数高职院校的绩效考核是依据上级主管部门的要求,按比例进行考核,多数学校没有科学有效的绩效考核体系。

    However , there is no scientific and effective performance assessment system in most higher vocational colleges . The current performance assessment in a majority of higher vocational colleges follows the proportion requirement from higher authorities .

  21. 自筹资金:指建设单位报告期收到的,用于进行固定资产投资的上级主管部门、地方和企事业单位自筹资金。

    Self-raised funds refer to funds received by construction enterprises from their higher responsible authorities , local governments , or raised by enterprises or institutions themselves for the purpose of investment in fixed assets during the reference period .

  22. 我公司为了加强对外经贸交往,经上级主管部门批准,现公开招聘懂英语的经贸人才。

    With approval of the higher authorities concerned , we , for the purpose of strengthening economic and trade intercourse with foreign countries , are looking for qualified economic and commercial talents with a working knowledge of English .

  23. 上级主管部门对裁判员的培养不够重视,国家级以上裁判人数少,很少参加全国高水平女篮比赛,缺乏大赛执裁经验。

    Basketball referees are not attached importance to by superior branch in charge in cultivation , are very few in country level , rarely conduct referee in higher level match , fall short of mega game experience in Fujian province .

  24. 论文建立了业主方如何制定委托代理合同以便业主激励咨询方和实施方作出业主期望的努力的博弈模型;建立企业内部上级主管部门,信息部门和业务部门三者之间的博弈模型。

    The paper establishes a game model on how to make agency agreement , so that the client can inspire the consultation agency and the engineering agency to make efforts that the client expects . It also establishes a game model among superior departments , information departments and business units .

  25. (七)文化、教育、卫生广告,应当提交上级行政主管部门的证明;

    For the advertisements concerning culture , education and public health , certificates issued by the higher competent authorities shall be presented ;

  26. 加强对学校体育工作的监督和考核,上级教育主管部门和学校都要强化管理,通过规范的管理和监督,为农村学校体育保驾护航。

    The higher education departments and schools should strengthen management in order to escort the rural school physical education through standardizing management and supervision .

  27. 这样,上级教育主管部门主要通过教育评估来对学校进行宏观管理,对学校具体教育教学事宜不再进行直接干涉。

    And what the authorities or administrational offices do is not to interfere directly with specific teaching in school but manage the school by general estimation .

  28. 上级林业主管部门应当定期督促、检查下级林业主管部门组织植树造林、恢复森林植被的情况。

    The competent forestry authorities at a higher level shall periodically urge and inspect the competent forestry authorities at a lower level in the organization of afforestation and recovery of forest vegetation .

  29. 随上级教育主管部门对中高考成绩的严控,中小学传统教师评价体系受到极大冲击。

    As the higher educational authorities controled the grades in the entrance exams to high schools and colleges , the traditional system of evaluating teachers in primary and middle schools were striken seriously .

  30. 对于警告、记过、记大过的行政处分决定,上级土地行政主管部门可以直接做出;

    Decisions on administrative sanctions such as warning , demerit recording and major demerit recording may directly be made by the competent land administration departments at a higher level ;