
gǔ dài jiàn zhù
  • ancient architecture;Ancient buildings
  1. 试论框锯对古代建筑技术的影响

    The Effect of Frame - saw on the Ancient Architecture Skills

  2. 整合思维:外国古代建筑史教学研究

    Conformity Thinking : a Research On Foreign Ancient Architecture History Teaching

  3. 这些壮丽的古代建筑显示了劳动人民的高度智慧。

    These magnificent ancient buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the labouring people .

  4. 基于VRML的古代建筑动态漫游系统

    The Roaming System of Ancient Buildings Based on VRML

  5. 到处都可看到中国古代建筑的杰作。

    Throughout you will find typical masterpieces of ancient Chinese architecture .

  6. 然而,对于造型别致的古代建筑而言,就必须一栋一栋的精细重建。

    However , exquisite ancient buildings require the careful reconstructing respectively .

  7. 第三章论述了中国古代建筑的比例,一种由合理结构形式的自然表现决定的外观比例。

    The proportion of ancient Chinese architecture is discussed in chapter three .

  8. 中国古代建筑是中国古代文化的宝贵遗产。

    Chinese ancient architectures are valuable heritage of ancient culture of China .

  9. 传统礼教思想对中国古代建筑色彩的影响

    Influence of Traditional Ethical Code on Ancient Chinese Architectural Colors

  10. 中国古代建筑环境审美意识

    Aesthetic Consciousness on Architect Environment in Ancient Times of China

  11. 可为中国古代建筑社会学的研究提供参考。

    This will provide references for study of China 's ancient architecture .

  12. 而历代宫殿建筑,又是中国古代建筑中的精华部分;

    And the palaces , is the essence of ancient Chinese architecture ;

  13. 中国古代建筑以群体组合见长。

    The ancient Chinese architecture is good at group combination .

  14. 中国古代建筑的演变及其文化意义

    The Evolvement of Chinese Ancient Buildings and Its Cultural Significance

  15. 木结构是中国古代建筑的基本特点。

    A timber framework is a basic feature of ancient Chinese architecture .

  16. 哦,那我们现在看到的不就是新的古代建筑了吗?

    So , what we are seeing is a new ancient building .

  17. 太阳崇拜与中国古代建筑

    The Sun Worship and Its Influence on Chinese Ancient Architecture

  18. 陕西古代建筑的学术地位及研究价值

    On the value of academic research on the ancient architecture in Shaanxi

  19. 巨大的现代化建筑和古代建筑在北京并存。

    Fantastic modern architectures and ancient buildings co-exist in Beijing .

  20. 略论诗性智慧与中国古代建筑文化

    Brief View of Wisdom in poems and Chinese Anti-architecture Culture

  21. 工匠在中国古代建筑工程管理历史中的地位

    Craftsman Position of Construction Engineering Management History in Ancient China

  22. 试论平推铯对古代建筑技术的影响

    Study on the Influence of the Plane for the Ancient Building Technology

  23. 中国古代建筑外观设计手法初探

    Inquiring into the Exterior Designing of Buildings in Ancient China

  24. 中国古代建筑造型艺术解析及其现实意义

    Analysis of formative arts of Chinese ancient architecture and the current significance

  25. 中国古代建筑艺术与旅游开发

    The Art and the Tourism Development of Ancient Chinese Buildings

  26. 中国古代建筑门上铺首衔环装饰的起源

    Origin of classis with ring-handle on the door in Chinese ancient buildings

  27. 中国古代建筑设计与传统文化思想

    Chinese ancient architecture design and the traditional cultural thought

  28. 中国古代建筑;斗拱;首饰设计。

    Chinese ancient architecture ; brackets ; jewelry design .

  29. 中国古代建筑的艺术传统

    Traditional Characteristics of tht Art of Ancient Chinese Architecture

  30. 因此西方古代建筑文化深受宗教影响。

    Therefore the culture of ancient western architecture was influenced by religion deeply .