
ɡǔ diǎn jiàn zhù
  • classical architecture
  1. 我对古典建筑风格感兴趣。

    I 'm interested in classical architecture .

  2. 中国古典建筑意境结构分析

    Analysis of the Structure of Artistic Conception in Chinese Classical Architecture

  3. 首先概述了中国古典建筑木结构平坐层中的附角斗;

    This article describes the Fu-jiao-dou of the support platform firstly .

  4. 中国古典建筑木结构特性的分析研究

    A Study on the Structural Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Timber Architectures

  5. 例句:中国的古典建筑很具特色。

    Example : Chinese classical architecture has many unique characteristics .

  6. 中外古典建筑柱式的造型与结构

    The style and structure of Chinese and foreign orders in classical architecture

  7. 实际上,从某种程度上来说柱式就等同于古典建筑。

    In fact , to some extent , order is classical architecture .

  8. 巴洛克式最后被长寿命的古典建筑所代替。

    The baroque gave way to a long period of classical architecture .

  9. 翘起的屋顶是中国古典建筑最独特的地方。

    Curved roofs are the most peculiar feature of ancient Chinese architecture .

  10. 这真可谓是古典建筑和高贵优雅的完美组合

    It 's the perfect combination of classic architecture and understated elegance .

  11. 文予中国古典建筑装饰文化的审美启示

    Aesthetic Enlightenment of ' Wen ' to Adornment Culture of Chinese Classical Architecture

  12. 日本古典建筑的美学特征

    The Aesthetic Features of Ancient Style Building in Japan

  13. 中国古典建筑的自我认同精神之美学赏析

    Aesthetic Appreciation and Analysis of the Spirit of Self-identification in Chinese Classical Architecture

  14. 这个亭子是一个六角十二柱的古典建筑。

    The pavilion is an ancient building with six eaves and twelve pillars .

  15. 古典建筑则涵盖了希腊和罗马的建筑方式及体系。

    Classical architecture includes the systems and building methods of Greece and Rome .

  16. 内部是一个成功的新古典建筑和文艺复兴风格的装饰组合。

    The interior is a successful combination of neo-Classicist architecture and Renaissance-inspired decoration .

  17. 我喜爱古典建筑那平整的造型。

    I like the clean-cut shapes of classical architecture .

  18. 我对古典建筑有强烈的偏爱。

    B : I must say I have a strong prefernce for classical architecture .

  19. 另类现代1900~2000&记20世纪传统和古典建筑设计及城市设计国际研讨会

    The other modern 1900-2000-the International Conference of traditional and classical architectural and urban design

  20. 中国古典建筑的理性及其特征分析

    Analysis of Chinese Classic Architecture Logos and Characters

  21. 西方古典建筑中柱式的装饰艺术

    Art Decoration of Ordo in Western Classical Architecture

  22. 现代建筑比例尺度理论源自西方古典建筑。

    The proportion of modern building scale theory originated in the Western classical architecture .

  23. 我对古典建筑风格不感兴趣。

    uninterested I 'm uninterested in classical architecture .

  24. 开发商表示,在一些中国购房者眼中,西方古典建筑意味着高雅。

    Western classical architecture denotes sophistication for some Chinese home buyers , developers say .

  25. 浅谈中国古典建筑的构成特征

    On the Structural Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Building

  26. 西方古典建筑和中国古典建筑是世界建筑艺术中的两大体系。

    There are two principal systems in world architecture-Western classic architecture and chinese traditional architecture .

  27. 我对古典建筑更感兴趣,因为这更贴近于自然。

    I 'm much more interested in ancient architecture because it stands closer to nature .

  28. 建筑形式的文化来源兼论对称形式在中国古典建筑的运用

    Cultural source of architectural form about the application of symmetry form into Chinese classical architecture

  29. 楣梁,顶过梁古典建筑中上横梁的最低部分,直接置于上。

    The lowermost part of an entablature in classical architecture that rests directly on of a.

  30. 新古典建筑:18世纪和19世纪早期的现代古典主义(以其当时所流传的名称)。

    Neoclassical architecture : Revival of Classical architecture during the 18th and early 19th centuries .