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  • miniature
  1. 浅议中国绘画艺术对伊朗细密画的影响

    On the Influence of Chinese Painting Art to Iran Miniature

  2. 到19世纪中期,细密画被认为是奢侈品,并且由于摄影这个新方法的出现而显得过时了

    By the mid-19th century miniature paintings were regarded as luxury items and rendered obsolete by the new medium of photography

  3. 波斯细密画受明代绘画的影响;

    The Ming Dynasty 's paintings ' effect on Persian fine close pictures ;

  4. 最后使我们对拜占庭细密画艺术对后世艺术及风格的深远影响有了更深层次的认识。

    Thus we can get to the deep influence on the following arts and styles .

  5. 华丽的珍珠&波斯细密画风格初探

    The Style of Persian Miniatures

  6. 通过对这一课题的探究使我们正确认识到拜占庭细密画艺术风格是多样性的;而且对多样性风格形成原因的探究有助于我们了解细密画艺术在这一时期的发展脉络;

    This research helps us recognize the diversity of Byzantium Miniature and the development route of the miniature art in the Middle Ages .

  7. 二条线索是波斯的细密画受中国的影响,波斯的特殊的地理环境决定它既可以同希腊和拜占庭进行交往又可与中国进行交往。

    The second is China 's effect on Persian fine close paintings . The special geography of Persia has the advantage that it could communicate with both Greece , Byzantine and China .