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  1. 异彩纷呈摇曳多姿&论古典诗词中的细节描写

    Extraordinary Splendour ── Thoughts on Detailed Description in Classical Poems

  2. 谈谈《范进中举》的细节描写

    On the Guidance to the Detailed Description of Fan Jin Zhong Ju

  3. 浅谈作文教学中细节描写教学的方法

    Discussion on the teaching methods of detail description in composition teaching

  4. 新闻细节描写是重要的新闻写作形式之一。

    Detail description is one of the most important news writing forms .

  5. 论《红旗谱》叙事的细节描写

    On the Description of Details in the Narrative of Hong Qi Pu

  6. 浅析鲁迅作品中细节描写的技巧

    The Skillfuls of Details Depiction in Lu Xun 's Literatures

  7. 论《史记》的细节描写

    On the Detailed Description in Records of the Historian

  8. 文学作品离不开细节描写。

    There is no literary work without detailed descriptions .

  9. 细节描写极其精确的旅行报道。

    A travel account written with almost excruciating particularity .

  10. 乔叟作品中丰富多彩的细节描写展现了一个时代喧闹的生活。

    Chaucer 's wealth of detail unfolds the robust life of an age .

  11. 《生命的坠落》便是部某些小的细节描写非常好的书。

    " Falling Man " is an intermittently wonderful book of small details .

  12. 他用大量细节描写经精心挑选的话题。

    He writes with a great command of detail on the most recherche topics .

  13. 罗琳一直擅长细节描写。

    Rowling has always been good at details .

  14. 古典抒情诗细节描写赏析

    Comment on Description of Detail in Classical Lyrics

  15. 细节描写的鉴赏与应用

    The Appreciation and Application of the Detail Description

  16. 狄更斯对该书中丰富多彩的具体细节描写和勇敢的争斗公开表示欣赏。

    Dickens openly revels in the book 's rich physical detail and high-hearted conflict .

  17. 小说写作中,细节描写不可或缺,尤其是心理细节更显得举足轻重。

    The description of details is essential to fiction writing , especially the psychological details .

  18. 演员的表演和细节描写可能会有帮助,但是这些都不能保证它取得成功。

    Casting and nuanced writing might have helped , but neither are in evidence here .

  19. 金瓶红楼细节描写比较

    A Comparison of Detail Descriptions in Jin Ping Mei and A Dream of the Red Chamber

  20. 有的举重若轻,以小见大,通过细节描写揭示事情成败的根本原因;

    Some of which are taking serious matters easily , and showing fundamental reasons from detail description ;

  21. 小说中的描写方法主要为:外貌描写、心理描写和细节描写。

    Different descriptive methods have been mentioned , including appearance description , description of psychic and detailed description .

  22. 在写作中,要使描写形象生动,以小见大,见微知著的细节描写就必不可少。

    If you want to make your description in writing vivid , the description of details is necessary .

  23. 他摒弃传统小说全知式细节描写,把注意力集中在具有变态心理的人物阴暗混乱的“意识流”上。

    Faulkner presents his characters and plot of the novel by his ingenious skill of stream of consciousness .

  24. 细节描写中的手

    Hand In Detail Represention

  25. 这些喜剧因素包括喜剧性的情节、细节描写、喜剧的语言艺术。

    These comedy factors including the comic plot , describe in details and the language art about comedy .

  26. 《红楼梦》中笑的细节描写对人物性格心理的刻画

    Portrayal of the Characters ' Psychology by Detailed Description of " Smile " in A Dream of Red Mansions

  27. 贾平凹在其多篇小说中使用了相同或相近的细节描写,从而构成了重复叙述的艺术特点。

    Jia Pingwa used same or close detail depiction in many of his novels , constituting the art characteristics of repeated description .

  28. 其散文主要的美学特征表现在哲理阐发、细节描写、结构技巧和语言艺术等几个方面。

    The aesthetic characteristics of his proses can be represented as philosophy illumination , detail depiction , structure skill and language arts .

  29. 中国古典诗词是中国文学的瑰宝,以含蓄、简约和微妙见长。中国古典诗歌是建立在一系列具体、特定的细节描写上的。

    Chinese classical poetry is the gem of Chinese literature , particularly noted for its simplicity , subtleness and its rich connotation .

  30. 笼天地于形内,挫万物于笔端&再论梁衡先生的《人杰鬼雄》细节描写和语言形象开掘的艺术性

    Including Universe into Verses and Drawing World with the Pen : On Detail Depictions and Artistic Quality of Language in Ren Jie Gui xiong