
  • 网络Olympic Symbol;Olympic Logo
  1. 奥林匹克标志的知识产权不同于奥林匹克知识产权。

    Olympic symbol is different from the Olympic intellectual property rights of intellectual property .

  2. 加强对奥林匹克标志的保护。

    Consolidating the protection of the Olympic Symbol ?

  3. 1985年ISL公司开始执行出售奥林匹克标志的第一个“奥林匹克计划”。

    In 1985 , the ISL began to implement the first Olympic Plan to sell the Olympic marks .

  4. 将奥林匹克标志用于服务项目中;

    To use the Olympic Symbols in the service items ;

  5. 首先对奥林匹克标志作出了定义。

    First is about the definition of the Olympic symbols .

  6. 奥林匹克标志侵权及其法律救济研究

    Research on the Olympic Logo Infringement and the Legal Relief

  7. 奥林匹克标志在非处方药及广告中的使用方法

    Right Use of Olympic Sign in Non-prescription Medicinal and Advertisement

  8. 销售、进口、出口含有奥林匹克标志的商品;

    To sell , import and export the commodities with the Olympic Symbols ;

  9. 提高奥林匹克标志侵权司法救济效率。

    Enhance the efficiency of juridical relief for infringement of the Olympic logo .

  10. 制造或者销售奥林匹克标志;

    To produce or sell the Olympic Symbols ;

  11. 奥林匹克标志是指用单独使用的单色或多种颜色的奥林匹克五环。

    The five Olympic rings used alone , in one or in several colors .

  12. 对有证据证明是侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权的物品,予以查封或者扣押。

    To close up and sequestrate the goods that can be proved of infringement .

  13. 其次,保护奥林匹克标志是我国知识产权保护工作的重要组成部分。

    Secondly , it is an important part of intellectual property protection of China .

  14. 奥林匹克标志保护条例

    Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Symbols

  15. 试论奥林匹克标志权的保护

    The protection of the Olympic mark right

  16. 运用案例分析研究方法,分析了奥林匹克标志的司法保护实践。

    This article analyzed the judicial protection of Olympic insignia used the case study method .

  17. 在法治背景下,我国奥林匹克标志的保护也应依法进行。

    Olympic intellectual property rights should be protected by laws in the society ruled by law .

  18. 保护奥林匹克标志,在本文中,首先,确定标志的概念和标志的权利人及法律特征。

    Firstly , to confirm the concept , obligee , and legal characteristic of Olympic Signs .

  19. 制定旅游基本法之法理求证论我国奥林匹克标志的法律保护

    On the Necessity of Legislating the Fundamental Tourism Law Thought for Legislating Protection of Olympic Symbols

  20. 知识产权的私权属性和奥林匹克标志的官方属性:一个冲突及其解决

    Private Attribute of Intellectual Property and Official Attribute of Olympic Symbol : A Conflict and Its Solution

  21. 美国奥林匹克标志司法保护典型案例评析及其借鉴意义

    Studies on Typical Cases on Intellectual Property of Olympic Insignia in USA and Its Implications to China

  22. 对当事人涉嫌侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权活动的场所实施现场检查;

    To investigate the scene related to the infringements about the exclusive rights of the Olympic Symbols ;

  23. 本文主要是通过法理分析、比较分析的方法寻求奥林匹克标志的知识产权保护途径。

    This thesis through legal analysis and comparative analysis to seek intellectual property protection of Olympic symbols .

  24. 奥林匹克标志应当包含徽记、会歌、会旗及名称等六项内容。

    The Olympic presentation should include six contents : the sign , Olympic song , Olympic flag etc.

  25. 重点是对奥林匹克标志的侵权和救济的完善。

    Olympic logo infringement and perfect relief is important on the Olympic logo infringement and perfect relief .

  26. 本文采取国际法与比较法的研究方法,对奥林匹克标志知识产权保护进行了调查研究。国外关于奥林匹克标志的法律保护已经积累了一些经验。

    This article analyses the intellectual property protection of Olympic insignia from an international and comparative law perspective .

  27. 其次对奥林匹克标志的知识与奥林匹克知识产权两个概念进行了区分。

    Secondly makes a distinction between the concepts of the Olympic symbols and the Olympic intellectual property rights .

  28. 将奥林匹克标志用于广告宣传、商业展览、营业性演出以及其他商业活动中;

    To use the Olympic Symbols in advertisements , commercial exhibitions , commercial performance and other commercial activities ;

  29. 在申请城市阶段,不得使用奥林匹克标志,不得进行任何形式的国际宣传或广告;

    During the bidding process , the bid cities can not use Olympic marks for international publicity or advertisement ;

  30. 第四条奥林匹克标志权利人依照本条例对奥林匹克标志享有专有权。

    Article 4 The right owners of the Olympic Symbols shall enjoy the exclusive right according to these Regulations .