
  • 网络Olympic anthem;Olympic Song;The Olympic Hymn
  1. 在周五的开幕式上,他们将伴随着奥运会会歌、拿着奥运会会旗入场。

    It will march Friday in the opening ceremony , carrying the Olympic flag , serenaded by the Olympic anthem .

  2. 如果你需要一个团体来捕捉这项全球顶级体育盛事的激动时刻,缪斯乐队似乎是创作非比寻常的奥运会会歌的不二人选。

    If you need a group to capture the excitement of the world 's biggest sporting event , Muse would seem to be the perfect band to pen a great Olympic anthem .

  3. 丛欣竹的目的是创作出一首利于传唱的歌曲,在创作之前她研究了历年奥运会的会歌。

    Cong Xinzhu 's aim was to compose a song that was easy to sing for the general public .