
More Comity means seeking for fair competitions of sports and common progress .
Things have definitely changed in the changing room , and on the pitch , because we are more together as a team .
" During the era of Mao Zedong it was much tougher ," said the cotton farmer who also raises chickens and ducks for home consumption .
But if political autonomy in these countries is not to be undermined by the disciplines of the euro , a more solidaristic approach to defending it will need to be found .
And we are all heading toward the same destination , united and more ready than ever to win in November and to turn our country around , because so much is at stake .
The pollution ' unifies the Chinese people ' and ' makes the country more equal , ' the essay noted , as citizens unite around a common complaint that doesn 't discriminate based on age , residence or income .
The commentary came a day after an essay posted on the website of China Central Television outlined the ' five surprising benefits ' of the country 's severe air pollution ( in Chinese ) : it unites people , makes them more equal , raises citizen awareness and knowledge and leads to an elevated sense of humor .
Pay more attention to uniting and working with those who differ with you .
The Olympic Games is a big grand ceremony of the whole world , should unite even more as the Chinese !
They are not meant for the benefit of landlords , but to facilitate our effort to unite with the masses and lead them to success in land reform .
Because of these efforts , the international community is more united and nations that attempt to flout their obligations are more isolated . Of course , that includes North Korea .
New Beijing , Great Olympics , this is not only a slogan that fires the imagination of the people but also a battle cry that rallies the whole Chinese nation .
Music works not only had represented European traditional music culture but also had become spiritual pillar to unite people and to fight jointly for freedom and liberation with the reactionary forces .
In fact , Francis , John XXIII and John Paul II are three church superstars coming together for a one canonization certain to unite Catholics and perhaps , renew their faith .
He declared that America is a land of good-hearted people , a nation of citizens who have more to unite them than to divide them , a country held together by a belief in freedom and opportunity for all .
The groups made by boys seem like loose , but they may become closer when they face the pressure outside . The inner pressure may be the dissonance of the principle . Members outside the group change faster , the cores of the members are firmer .
The denser population necessitates closer consolidation both for internal and external action .
In April , asked on Fox News about his relationship with Mr. Yanukovych , Mr. Manafort said he was simply trying to help the Ukrainians build a democracy that could align more closely with the United States and its allies .
You are One and will come together more quickly when the truth is revealed .
In place of such central action , stronger solidarity among members would need to emerge .
That means finding ways for hospitals , doctors and other providers to work together more .
It is hard to imagine a shared enterprise more dependent on solidarity than a monetary union .
Progress now requires coming together not just as cities or nations , but also as a global community .
Appreciating each other id a true family vaue , onr that will bail out much of the stress on the planet and help strengthen the universal bond all people have .
They also draw the world closer together by reminding us that we are one family , sharing the same dreams for a peaceful planet , where all people can live in safety , and with dignity .
At the dawn of the21st century a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the information age and the global society , to unleash the limitless potential of all our people , and , yes , to form a more perfect union .
We have come through the struggle stronger and more united than we were before .
Chinese employees differ from those in the west in that they emphasize the group solidarity .
But has this led to the emergence of a happier , more cohesive and more productive workforce ?
My fellow Americans , we are made for this moment , and we will seize it so long as we seize it together .