
huì huī
  • emblem of a sports meet;etc.
  • emblem;badge
会徽 [huì huī]
  • [emblem;badge] 某些会(如运动会)的特征标志;某些组织的会员所佩带以表示该会特征身分的标志

  1. 火炬上刻有北京2022年冬奥会会徽及奥运五环,自下而上从云纹逐渐过渡到雪花图案,最后呈现为火焰。

    The torch features the Beijing 2022 emblem and the Olympic rings etched on its section , with patterns of clouds and snowflakes painted from the bottom up to the flame .

  2. 我们的会徽是“欢乐的U”。

    " Happy U " is our emblem .

  3. 会徽上用色彩鲜艳的线条勾勒出“NANJING”的字样,象征着青年人的激情与活力。

    The emblem , with the letters of NANJING standing out in bright colors , showcases the energy and vibrancy of the youth .

  4. 自7月24日公布2020年夏季奥运会和残奥会会徽以来,设计者佐野研二郎(KenjiroSano)一直面临指控,称其抄袭了比利时列日市一剧场的设计。

    Since the twin emblems for the Olympics and Paralympics were revealed on July 24 , their creator , Kenjiro Sano , has been besieged with allegations that he copied the design from a theatre in the Belgian city of Liege .

  5. 玩家可不可以改变工会会徽的外观?

    Can players change the way their guild emblem will look ?

  6. 21世纪三届奥运会会徽的比较研究

    Research on Olympic Logos in Recent Three Editions of Olympic Games

  7. 2004年雅典奥运会的会徽是什么?

    What is the emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games ?

  8. 奖牌背面是巴塞罗那奥运会会徽。

    On the reverse the official emblem of the Barcelona Games .

  9. 北京2008年奥运会会徽中国印,舞动的北京

    The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games emblem @ Chinese Seal , Dancing Beijing

  10. 现代奥运会徽设计发展研究

    A Study of the Evolvement of Modern Olympic Logos Design

  11. 这是你们的会徽,这是资料袋。

    Here are your conference badges and this is your information pack .

  12. 世博会徽看起来象是三人手挽手。

    The Expo Emblem looks like three people holding hand .

  13. 世界卫生组织会徽不可用于提供链接。

    The WHO emblem may not be used in providing a link .

  14. 安妮:介绍一下会徽,好不好?

    Annie : Could you introduce something about the emblem ?

  15. 你认为舞动的北京这个会徽怎么样?

    How do you like the emblem of Dancing Beijing ?

  16. 会徽,是每一届奥运会的图腾。

    Symbol , the totem of each Olympic games .

  17. 并以橄榄枝做为奥林匹克的会徽与精神象征。

    And the olive branch and as a symbol of the Olympic emblem .

  18. 历届世博会会徽设计分析

    Analyzing the Designs of all the International Fair Badges

  19. 奥运会会徽是具有历史纪念意义的艺术性标识。

    The Olympic Games emblem is an artistic mark with historic commemoration significance .

  20. 邮票名称:29届奥运会会徽和吉祥物。

    Name : the29th Olympic Games emblem and mascots .

  21. 会徽中的橄榄枝蕴涵着特殊的宗教意义。

    The olive tree has a special religious importance .

  22. 世界卫生组织会徽是由1948年第一届世界卫生大会选定的。

    WHO 's emblem was chosen by the first World Health Assembly in1948 .

  23. 这当然也适用于带有奥运会‘奔跑者’会徽图案的网络广告。

    Of course this applies to online ads with the running-man Olympic logo .

  24. 解读夏季奥运会会徽的视觉符号意义

    Decode Summer Olympic Symbol 's Visual Seamier Significant

  25. 在出版物中使用世界卫生组织会徽

    Use of the WHO emblem in a publication

  26. 奥运会会徽设计的流变

    The Rheology of Olympic Games ' Emblem Design

  27. 学校女生们用灵巧的双手去编织中国花结和奥运会的会徽.

    Schoolgirls braid Chinese knots , the Olympic emblem , with their dexterous hands .

  28. 天、地、人&2008年北京残奥会会徽

    Emblem of the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games

  29. 王平:在亚奥理事会会徽上就有这句格言。

    Wang ping : this is also in the emblem of the Asian Olympic committee .

  30. 2012伦敦奥运会徽的情爱图式之解

    The Interpretation of " 2012 " London Olympic Games Emblem is " Erotica Pattern "