
huì yì tīnɡ
  • conference/assembly hall;council chamber;chamber;guildhall
  1. 警察将一些暴力抗议者赶出了会议厅。

    Police ejected a number of violent protesters from the hall .

  2. 他觉得自己看见有人在演讲时潜藏在会议厅顶上。

    He thought he saw someone lurking above the chamber during the address .

  3. 每次他发表讲话我们都会确保赶到市议会会议厅去。

    We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks .

  4. 这个建筑物最初准备作为一个会议厅。

    This building was primarily intended to be an assembly hall .

  5. 新会议厅可容纳1万人。

    The new assembly hall can admit ten thousand people .

  6. 议员们离开了会议厅。

    The members left the Council chamber .

  7. 地点:India会议厅(执行委员会会议室左侧)

    Where : India Room ( to the left of the Executive Boardroom )

  8. 是的,这件事不容易,奥巴马在联合国大会(UnitedNationsGeneralAssembly)的会议厅说,但毋庸置疑,美国正在承担起责任。

    Yes , this is hard , Mr. Obama said to the United Nations General Assembly chamber , but there should be no question that the United States of America is stepping up to the plate .

  9. 福建会堂国际会议厅采用了35m跨钢-混凝土组合楼盖的结构体系。

    The 35m span steel concrete composite slabs structural system is adopted in the international committee room of Fujian Assembly Hall .

  10. 这是总统府内的会议厅。

    This was the meeting hall of Office of the president .

  11. 第三版电子邮局协议临时区域市政局会议厅

    POP3 : Post Office Protocol Version 3 Provisional Regional Council Chamber

  12. 你曾经去过其他商业活动的会议厅吗?

    Have you been to any other Chamber of Commerce events ?

  13. 会议厅聚集了各国的外交官。

    There are diplomats of all nationalities in the conference hall .

  14. 第比利斯最大的旅馆的大厅简直成了联合国的会议厅。

    The lobby of Tbilisi'smain hotel resembled a United Nations conference .

  15. 其他主要设施包括多功能会议厅(16500个座位);

    Other major facilities include the multipurpose Assembly Hall ( 16,500 seats );

  16. 这是联合国会议厅发言席。

    This is the desk for orator in the hall .

  17. 或许那意味着预约一间会议厅或者干脆到外面去。

    Maybe it means reserving a meeting room or even going offsite .

  18. 这是联合国会议厅中国代表议席。

    This is the desk for the representative of China .

  19. 在会议厅夹层有一个内部电话。

    There was a house phone on the Convention mezzanine .

  20. 湖南大学国际会议厅声学设计

    The Acoustic Design for International Conference Hall of Hunan University

  21. 也是在市政会议厅上迫在眉睫的议题,

    but it 's also on the table in City Halls

  22. 国王已经在会议厅了,大人.

    The King is at the small council meeting , My Lord .

  23. 参议院的会议厅设有听众席。

    The Senate chamber has a gallery for guests .

  24. 那牛闯进村会议厅,造成一片混乱。

    There was absolute mayhem when the cow got into the village hall .

  25. 我认为这次会议厅将非常重要.

    I think this meeting will be very important .

  26. 工党议员离开会议厅以示抗议。

    Labour MPs left the chamber in protest .

  27. 办公厅(口岸规划办公室)总部安全理事会会议厅

    General Office ( Office of Ports of Entry ) Security Council Chamber at Headquarters

  28. 反对党下院议员离开座位走出会议厅以示抗议。

    Opposition MP left their seats and walked out of the chamber in protest .

  29. 大会议厅的四分之三被坐满。

    The large meeting hall is three-quarters full .

  30. 也就是会议厅和卧室

    So the conference room and the bedroom .