
  • 网络very scientific
  1. 他采取了一种非常科学的管理方法。

    He took a very scientific approach to management .

  2. 根据前人的一些研究成果,在语文作文教学中培养学生的创新思维非常科学有效。

    According to some research results , predecessors in Chinese composition teaching in cultivating students ' innovative thinking very scientific and effective .

  3. 因为它们非常科学,一切都安排得井井有条,供你有序地学习。

    Everything is nicely arranged for you to learn in order .

  4. 属性决策理论是一种非常科学,有效的系统高层次决策方法。

    Multi-function decision theory is a nonidentity science . It 's also an effective decision-making system of high level .

  5. 虽然本文采用预调研的方式对拟采用的量表进行过修正,但是由于学术水平有限,难以做到非常科学。

    Although this paper has amended it based on pre-research , due to the limited academic standards , it is difficult for the writer to make it scientific .

  6. 因为脉冲的现实意义,尤其是对人口的增长,及传染病模型显得非常科学和真实。

    Especially , realism meaning of the systems describing the growth of species and the behavior of epidemic dynamics . Its result of the model become scientific and true .

  7. 而问题的真正原因在于缺乏非常科学的、有效的司法体制来预防和惩治司法领域中的腐败现象的发生。

    It is regarded that the exact cause of corruption cases in judicial circle lies in the lack of reasonable and effective judicial system to take measures to enforce prevention and punishment .

  8. 这类评价方法虽然具有直观、方便、含义明确以及比较容易被保险机构投资者所接受等优点,但以这种标准进行的保险资金运用绩效评估并不是非常科学。

    This kind of evaluation method is convenient , intuitive and though meaning clear and easy accepted by insurance institutional investors , but with the advantages of insurance fund investment criteria are not very scientific performance evaluation .

  9. 指标体系不仅要反应地区目前所处于的投资环境的状况,更要对地区的未来发展前景、地区在未来发展中所处于的优劣势都有一个非常科学合理的评价。

    Indicator system must not only present in the reaction region the status of the investment environment , but also prospects for the future development of the region , future development in the region are both advantages and disadvantages of a very scientific and rational evaluation .

  10. 他非常擅长科学。

    He is very good at science .

  11. 我非常喜欢科学,了解这个世界,了解各种可能。

    But it was all about trying to understand the world , understand the limits of possibility .

  12. 首先,他们都非常有用科学方法,在阐明生化机制的蛋白质合成。

    First , they have been very useful scientifically in elucidating the biochemical mechanisms of protein synthesis .

  13. 宏远公司非常注重科学管理和科技创新,这使得我们的企业得到稳固发展。

    Company lays stress on scientific management and technology innovation , this make our company keeps steadily developing .

  14. 我非常喜欢科学,喜欢做实验,但同时喜欢运动、跳舞和玩乐器。

    I really enjoy science and doing experiments , but I also love acting and dancing and playing musical instruments .

  15. 如果生搬硬套,是非常不科学的;如果完全摒弃这些已有成果,也是非常不明智的。

    So it would be very unscientific to copy them mechanically , but total abandon is also an unwise choice .

  16. 20世纪80年代韩国中学校长和科学教师非常重视科学教育,但是制度课程与实施课程之间还是有一定的距离。

    Although principals and teachers of high schools in 1980s attached importance to science education , there was a gap between institution curriculum and implemented curriculum .

  17. 郑太朴通过翻译西学著作、学习其中的科学理论,形成自己的学术思想体系,创作出了非常具有科学价值和教育意义的优秀作品。

    Through translating western learning works and studying scientific theory from them , Zheng Taipu built his academic thoughts system and created many excellent works with high scientific value and educational significance .

  18. 对《华尔街日报》纽约办公室的一些同事进行的非常缺乏科学性的调查显示出了两点:男人在理发上花的钱没有超过40美元的,很多男人还不到20美元;

    A highly unscientific poll of a few colleagues here at The Wall Street Journal 's New York office found two things : No man paid more than $ 40 , and many paid less than half that .

  19. 到复杂性研究阶段,涌现被作为SPI的非常明确的科学主题。

    To the stage of complexity studying , emergence was considered as a clear scientific theme .

  20. 通过对全国和浙江移动电话普及率的预测分析,得出Logistic模型预测方法在对移动电话用户数的预测方面具有非常强的科学性和实用性。

    It is proved that the synthesis method of Logistic model and the Rayleigh distribution seem more scientific and practical in prediction of mobile subscription by the application of the prediction of mobile subscription in China and in Zhejiang province .

  21. 然而,STS教育并不是一种科学教育的简单模式或者一种非常清晰的科学教育理论;它是一种具有不同目的、不同视角、不同出发点以及不同的历史背景的科学教育改革运动。

    However , STS is not a simple model or distinct theory of science education , but it is a science education reform movement with many different purposes , many different perspectives , many different starting points and different historical context .

  22. 自动人脸识别(AFR)主要研究如何赋予计算机通过人脸辨别人物身份的能力,作为模式识别的一个研究领域,不仅具有非常重要的科学意义并且商业应用价值巨大。

    Automatic Face Recognition ( AFR ) mainly studies on how to give a computer the capability of recognizing identification through people faces . As a research field of pattern recognition , it not only has very important scientific significance , but also has great commercial application values .

  23. 克里斯汀•科尔森:非常感谢电影科学与艺术学院。

    Christian Colson : Thank you so much for the academy .

  24. 大众市民都非常投入参与科学化训练的项目。

    The public enjoyed the sports scientific training very much .

  25. 要解决问题,要求有非常多的科学才能。

    They will require an enormous amount of scientific ingenuity .

  26. 这是两项非常了不起的科学成就,对美国太空总署,对美国,对全世界而言都是如此。

    two high-profile scientific victories for NASA , the United States and the world .

  27. 这些人们都有非常广泛的科学兴趣。

    These people had broad scientific interests .

  28. 这些概念仅仅只是城市旅游空间载体的某种表现形式,并不能非常全面且科学的成为城市旅游空间载体类型的划分依据。

    These concepts are just manifestations of Urban Tourism Spatial Carrier , not classification standard .

  29. 这是非常适用的科学,我想我们成功地使用在许多不同的应用领域。

    It 's very applied science and I think we succeed in using it in many different applications .

  30. 死亡概念是生命科学领域内一个非常重要的科学概念。

    As one of scientific concepts , death concept , plays an important role in the children 's development .