
  • 网络BRNO
  1. 尤文图斯已经签下了捷克布尔诺队后卫翁德雷马祖赫。

    Juventus have sealed a deal for Brno defender Ondrej mazuch .

  2. 布尔诺双年展始于1963年,是世界上最历史悠久的平面设计展览

    Brno Biennale began in1963 , is the world 's oldest graphic design exhibition

  3. 当笔者与太太Maria在卡斯蒂利亚的胡卡尔峡谷大道之间散步的时候,便决定了要把我们的家从马德里搬往布尔诺斯艾利斯,我觉得我做出了人生中最重要也是最成功的职业变动了。

    My wife Mara and I were walking through the solemnly beautiful Jcar Canyon in Castilla-La Mancha , when we decided to move from Madrid to Buenos Aires so I could make the most important and successful job change of my life .

  4. 我住在第二大城市,在捷克,所谓的布尔诺。

    I live in the second largest city in the Czech , called Brno .

  5. 大学毕业后,她在布尔诺的一所学院研读了两年管理学。

    After graduating school she studied management for two years at an institute in Brno .

  6. 这项复兴活动也受到布尔诺市的支持,视为促进观光旅游的手段。

    The revival is further supported by the city of Brno as a means of boosting tourism .

  7. 布尔诺的图根哈特别墅

    Tugendhat Villa in Brno

  8. “在这里挣扎的比布尔诺和拉古纳赛卡少多了。”他说。

    " Here at this track we struggle much less than at Brno and Laguna Seca ," Lorenzo said .

  9. 布尔诺先生表示,该公司已做了很多研究,发现(食品加工过程中混杂)少量玉米粒会造成的风险被夸大了。

    BernersBernens says the company has done a lot of research and found that the risk from a few kernels is overstated .

  10. 1995年秋,我移居到摩拉维亚省会、捷克第二大城市布尔诺,继续教英语。

    I moved to Brno , Czech Republic 's second city and the capital of Moravia , in the autumn of 1995 . I continued to teach .

  11. 建筑师密斯范德罗厄设计的布尔诺图根德哈特别墅是20世纪20年代在欧洲兴起的建筑“近代运动”中具有国际风格的优秀建筑范例。

    The tugendhat villa in brno , designed by the architect Mies van der rohe , is an outstanding example of the international style in the modern movement in architecture as it developed in Europe in the1920s .