
  • 网络Austrian Empire;austria-hungary
  1. 奥地利帝国的势力也渗透至威尼斯和意大利东北部。

    The influence of Austrian empire seeped into Venice and the northeast of Italy .

  2. 维也纳最初是神圣罗马帝国的领地,接着成为奥地利帝国的首都,后来又成为奥匈帝国的首都,哈布斯堡王朝在维也纳雄踞达数个世界之久。

    Vienna has hosted the Habsburg court over centuries , first as the imperial see of the Holy Roman Empire , then the capital of the Austrian Empire and later of the Austro-Hungarian Empire .

  3. 在那一年,15岁的奥地利帝国公主玛丽•安托瓦内特嫁给了法国国王路易十六。

    In that year , Marie Antoinette , a15-year-old Austrian Princess , married King Louis XVI of France .

  4. 大公在某些皇族尤指奥地利帝国中,具有与有主权的王子相等地位的贵族。

    In certain royal families , especially that of imperial austria , a nobleman having a rank equivalent to that of a sovereign prince .

  5. 后来受哈普斯堡王室影响,成为奥地利-匈牙利帝国的一部分。

    It later came under the Habsburg influence and became part of Austria-Hungary .

  6. 自1938年奥地利被并入德意志帝国之后,富特文格勒一直试图保护乐团与音乐家们免遭来自帝国的重重压力,因而大师与乐团的关系也更加牢固。

    Following Austria 's absorption into German Reich in1938 , Furtwangler 's relationship with the Orchestra deepened as he sought to protect it and its musicians from pressures now emanating from Berlin .