
  • 网络The University of Auckland;oakland university;auckland university;UoA
  1. 奥克兰大学很高兴能与蒙洛斯基文法中学保持积极的合作关系。

    The University of Auckland is delighted to have a positive working relationship with Mount Roskill Grammar School .

  2. Atkinson博士在奥克兰大学、牛津大学说:我们认为,这种语言是文明中的一个进身之阶,它引导我们更好的去协调、合作以及发展。

    We think that this language was a stepping stone in civilisation which led to better co-ordination and co-operation that might have led us to expand , said Dr Quentin Atkinson , at the University of Auckland and Oxford University .

  3. 例如,奥克兰大学最近完成了从现有的专有解决方案到Ubuntu的迁移。

    For example , Oakland University recently completed a migration from an existing proprietary solution onto Ubuntu .

  4. 您在奥克兰大学主攻的专业是什么?

    What 's your major in the university of Auckland ?

  5. 日语讲师(奥克兰大学招字270号)

    Lectureship in japanese ( vacancy uac . 270 )

  6. 因为奥克兰大学在新西兰以及世界上都是最知名的大学。

    Because it is the most famous university in New Zealand and in the world .

  7. 该研究是由奥克兰大学的麦吉•卡莱弗博士和马修•杜林教授共同开展的。

    The study at Auckland University was undertaken by Dr Maggie Kalev and Professor Matthew During .

  8. 约翰-里默曾在奥克兰大学学习作曲,之后赴多伦多大学。

    John Rimmer studied composition at the University of Auckland and later at the University of Toronto .

  9. 奥克兰大学的生物学家詹姆斯·罗素此前就写过关于灭鼠的文章。

    Ecologist James Russell , from the University of Auckland , has written about the idea before .

  10. 奥克兰大学始建于1883年,是新西兰开设专业最多的大学。

    Oakland university only then built 1883 , it is New Zealand opens professional and most university .

  11. 蒙洛斯基文法中学的毕业生在奥克兰大学及各院系均取得了非常好的成绩。

    Mount Roskill Grammar School students achieve very good results across a wide range of University courses and Faculties .

  12. 一九九四年协助奥克兰大学成立佛学研究社。

    In 1994 , we assisted in the formation of the Buddhist Research Centre at the University of Auckland .

  13. 在过去的十年间,一直在新西兰奥克兰大学从事教学和研究活动。

    For the past decade , she has taught and conducted research at The University of Auckland in New Zealand .

  14. 但是奥克兰大学的入侵物种研究专家米克·克劳特指出,入侵物种并不只是老鼠。

    But as Mick Clout , an invasive species specialist from Oakland University points out , it didn 't end with rats .

  15. 奥克兰大学副校长克里斯·特里梅万发言时说,奥克兰大学孔子学院是新西兰最早建立的孔子学院。

    Auckland University 's Pro Vice Chancellor Christopher Tremewan said the Auckland University Confucius Institute is the first Confucius Institute established in New Zealand .

  16. 该报告由纽约州哥伦比亚大学的法尔纳兹·凯格霍巴蒂、密歇根州奥克兰大学的托德·沙克尔福德和维维安纳·韦克斯-沙克尔福德合作完成。

    The report was compiled by Farnaz Kaighobadi of Columbia University in New York state and Todd Shackelford and Viviana Weekes-Shackelford , from Oakland University in Michigan .

  17. 如果纽西兰的奥克兰大学能设一个翻译系的话,那我们新加坡这个多元文化、多元语言的大都会总不能落在人后吧。

    If the University of Auckland in New Zealand can have a department of translation studies , surely singapore , with our claims of being a multi-cultural and multi-lingual cosmopolitan city , do not want to be left behind , do we ?

  18. 在“和前任保持朋友关系:性和黑暗的人性特点预示着后一段关系的动机,”奥克兰大学的研究员贾斯汀和丽莎采访了860个主体,以列出和前任保持关系的动机。

    In " Staying friends with an ex : Sex and dark personality traits predict motivations for post-relationship friendship , " Oakland University researchers Justin Mogilski and Lisa Welling asked 860 subjects to list the motivations for their involvement with their exes .

  19. 他们可以修得加州奥克兰市佩丁大学文科的一个联合文学学士学位认可的学分。

    They earn credits toward an associate of arts degree in liberal arts from Patten University in Oakland , California .

  20. 奥克兰市中心图书馆和奥克兰大学图书馆

    The Center Library of Auckland City and the Library of Auckland University

  21. 如果您想了解奥克兰的教育,您可以访问奥克兰大学。

    If you want to learn about Auckland 's education , you can visit the University of Auckland .

  22. 装载这个独特货物的轮船预计三月份抵达奥克兰,史提夫欧谢说。她是奥克兰技术大学的研究乌贼的专家,就是她给冯海根斯捐献了这两条标本。

    The ship carrying the unique cargo is set to arrive in Auckland in March , says Steve O'Shea , a squid expert at the Auckland University of Technology who donated the specimens to von Hagens .