
  • 网络OLYMPIA;Olympic;Olympian;olympiad;Olimpia
  1. “奥林匹亚在美国,K唱片公司就是在那里创立的。”——“不可能!你不会指那个大名鼎鼎的K唱片公司吧?”

    ' Olympia is in America , where K Records was founded . ' — ' No ! Surely you don 't mean THE K Records ? '

  2. 我非常愿意在我职业生涯的最后一年向奥林匹亚大赛冠军头衔发起冲击。

    I should love to have a crack at the Olympia title in my last year

  3. 雕像建造在奥林匹亚潮湿的小树林中。

    The statue was erected in a damp grove at olympia .

  4. 运动员图像上面印有“奥林匹亚”字样,右下角注有年份“1904”。

    Above the figure of the athlete , the inscription " OLYMPIAD " and on the rock bottom right " 1904 " .

  5. 自8月3日后的一周,希腊山火此起彼伏,许多地区的居民不得不紧急撤离。野火肆虐全国,摧毁了大片森林和建筑,希腊当局下令西伯罗奔尼撒半岛古奥林匹亚附近的村庄进行疏散。

    Greek authorities ordered villages near the site of the ancient Olympic Games in the western Peloponnese to be evacuated as wildfires raged across the country , destroying swathes of forest and buildings .

  6. 他们所在的c组包括西甲豪门皇家马德里队,德国不莱梅,以及希腊冠军奥林匹亚科斯队。

    Their group C line-up comprises of Spanish giants Real madrid , German outfit Werder bremen , as well as Greek Champions olympiakos .

  7. 的确如此,伦敦即将主办涵盖一系列的展览会、现场音乐会和免费文化节的文化奥林匹亚(CulturalOlympiad)活动。

    Indeed , London will play host to a series of exhibitions , live concerts and free festivals in what is being called the Cultural Olympiad .

  8. “奥林匹克”(Olympics)一词起源于古希腊的“奥林匹亚”(Olympia),即“诸神之所”奥林匹斯山的所在地。

    Olympics is a term that originated in Olympia , Greece , which also is the home of Mount Olympus .

  9. 他的视野囊括了那条蜿蜒的SolDuc河,一直穿过那片未被涉足过的密林,直到奥林匹亚山脉。

    His view looked down on the winding Sol Duc River , across the untouched forest to the Olympic Mountain range .

  10. 他回忆自己当时曾住在西伦敦一个曾经被称为奥林匹亚(olympia)的地方,他表示,那是“一个非常可敬的名字”。

    He recalled living in a part of West London once called Olympia , saying it was " a perfectly respectable name " .

  11. 而在缅因州任职18年的参议员奥林匹亚斯诺伊(olympiasnowe)的退休让这个左顷州内的共和党人陷入不知所措的境地。

    In Maine the retirement of Olympia Snowe , after 18 years , has left Republicans floundering in a left-leaning state .

  12. 书籍的基础上,由Rick赖尔登,珀西杰克逊和奥林匹亚:闪电窃贼的是一个令人兴奋的动作片古老的神话与丰富,但设置在21世纪正视。

    Based on the books by Rick Riordan , Percy Jackson and the Olympians : The Lightning Thief is an exciting action film rich with ancient mythology , yet set squarely in the21st century .

  13. 约翰逊表示:“我认为,在这个领域,你不能容忍任何愚蠢行为。”他回忆自己当时曾住在西伦敦一个曾经被称为奥林匹亚(Olympia)的地方,他表示,那是“一个非常可敬的名字”。

    The mayor said : " I think this is an area where you mustn 't allow any kind of insanity . " He recalled living in a part of west London once called Olympia , saying it was " a perfectly respectable name . "

  14. 就在奥林匹亚的古运动场——公元前776年举行第一次奥运会的地方——的入口外,有一系列人称宙斯像群(Zanes)的残破基座。

    Just outside the entrance to the ancient stadium in Olympia - the site of the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C. - stand a series of crumbling stone bases known as the Zanes .

  15. 希腊的奥林匹亚地区的或奥林匹亚人的。

    Of the region of Olympia in Greece or its inhabitants .

  16. 对阵奥林匹亚科斯&让我们感到我们永远不可被战胜。

    The Olympiakos effect-that we felt we were never beaten was one .

  17. 在那些年月里,地震又进一步埋没了奥林匹亚的遗迹。

    Over the years , earthquakes helped bury her remains .

  18. 在经修复后的雅典运动场上雄雄燃烧的奥林匹亚之火。

    The Olympic flame burning brightly in the reconstructed Stadium of Athens .

  19. 奥林匹亚宙斯神庙,雅典,希腊。

    Temple of Olympian Zeus , Athens , Greece .

  20. 站在奥林匹亚山上,眺望碧蓝的爱琴海;

    At Olympia Hill , Overlooks the Aegean blue ;

  21. 奥林匹克、奥林匹亚、奥林匹克运动会及其简称等专有名称;

    The special terms of OLYMPIC , OLYMPIAD , OLYMPIC GAMES and their abbreviations ;

  22. 营养与健康奥林匹亚公告

    The Declaration of Olympia on Nutrition and Fitness

  23. 第一次奥运会在奥林匹亚举行是为了纪念宙斯在比武中战胜了他的父亲。

    The first Games were held in Olympia to celebrate Zeus'victory against his father .

  24. 奥林匹亚正举行计算机展览。

    The computer show be on at olympia .

  25. 2004年奥运圣火于3月25日在奥林匹亚点燃。

    The 2004 Olympic flame lighting ceremony was held on March 25 in Olympia .

  26. 王平:据说火种必须来自奥林匹亚。

    Wang Ping : It was said that the kindling must be from Olympia .

  27. 奥林匹亚的奥林匹亚的;有关希腊的奥林匹亚地区的或奥林匹亚人的。

    Of or relating to the region of Olympia in Greece or its inhabitants .

  28. 说奥林匹亚曾经是众神的栖息之地。

    I was told that it used to be the home of the gods .

  29. 杰夫:记得当时叫第8后奥林匹亚德体育周。

    Jeff : I remember it was called " the Eighth Olympiad Week " then .

  30. 奥林匹亚竞技会祭坛上的圣火最终便演化成了现代奥运圣火。

    The fire in the altar of Olympiad competitions eventually became the modern Olympic torch .