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  1. 解析奥利金《论首要原理》中的自由意志思想

    Origen 's Thought of Free Will in the Book of on First Principles

  2. 奥利金是一个伟大的圣经注释者。

    Origen was a great biblical commentator .

  3. 但这次,奥利金这个伟大的寓言化者,坚持从字面上阅读。

    But in this case , Origin this great allegorizer , is insisting on the literal reading .

  4. 注意到奥利金还是在玩弄,字面解读,和一个被提升的精神解读。

    Notice how Origen is still playing with these notions of a literal reading and a higher elevated spiritual reading .

  5. 奥利金出来说,不,你们不能将经文寓言化,它说了什么就是什么意思。

    Origen comes along and says , no you can 't allegorize this text , and it means exactly what it says .

  6. 奥利金所做的是他给了一个例子,说明在他眼中,什么算是字面意思。

    What Origen is doing is he 's giving an example of what he takes to be the literal meaning of this text .

  7. 在三世纪,奥利金代表了,基督教圣经学术的,强势崛起。

    Origen represents , in the third century , a new very , very strong rise in the level of Christian biblical scholarship .

  8. 同时在三世纪,还出现了一个历史上最聪明,最著名的基督学者之一,奥利金。

    Also in the third century you have one of the most brilliant and famous Christian scholars of all of history actually , Origen .

  9. 本文论述了由奥利金高性能计算公司支持的集群系统集中管理平台的研究与实现。

    This paper concerns the researches and realizations of centralized management platform of cluster system , which is supported by the Origin High Performance Computing Corp.

  10. 奥利金有一个问题,因为基督徒都知道用巫术是错误的,现在国王扫罗用了一个巫婆。

    Origen has a problem because Christians all know that it 's wrong to use witches , and here 's the King Saul using a witch .

  11. 其实,奥利金所阐释的自由意志问题正是这两种文化相遇和碰撞的产物之一。

    In fact , it was the encounter and collision of the two cultures that brought out the problem of Free Will which Origen elaborated on .

  12. 这个例子说明,奥利金认为同一篇经文,有至少两种解读是完全没问题的。

    That 's one example , though , about how Origen thinks it 's perfectly fine to get at least two readings out of this same text .

  13. 奥利金对自由意志向善性的承认,也就充分肯定了自由意志的存在,这一点在当时无人能出其右。

    With the recognition of its good side , he fully affirmed the existence of Free Will , while at that time no one could do this .

  14. 他没有像之前的奥利金那样,或者其他基督徒作者那样,把它解释成别的东西。

    He doesn 't explain it away or try to get rid of it like Origen would have done previously , or some of the early Christian writers .

  15. 奥利金用这种方法来解读经文,我已经讲解过,在中世纪,经文是有不止一层的意思的。

    Origen practiced this way of interpreting scripture I had illustrated for you from the medieval period , that scripture always has more than one level of meaning .

  16. 这表明奥利金,在他使用这个词故事的字面意思时,他指的仍然不是,我们所说的历史批判的意思。

    It shows that Origen , when he uses this term literal meaning of this story , he 's not still referring to what we call the historical critical meaning .

  17. 奥利金后来被视为异教徒,因为他提出的一些教义,例如,他认为连撒旦最后也会信教。

    Origen was later considered to be a heretic for some of the teachings that he came up with & for example he taught that even Satan could be converted in the end .

  18. 在希伯来和希腊双重文化影响下谈论自由意志问题,奥利金无论如何也绕不过这一对交织。

    Under the influence of the Hebrew and Greek culture , whoever talked about the problem of free will , he would have to face this relationship anyway , and so did Origen .

  19. 在这章,我列举了一些基督教神父中的关键人物,如奥利金,奥古斯汀,英格兰的圣毕德尊者,中世纪克莱伏的伯纳德,还有托马斯·阿奎奈。

    That 's where I take certain key figures among the church fathers , such as Origen , Augustine , the Venerable Bede in England , Bernard of Clairvaux in the Middle Ages , and Thomas Aquinas .