
  • 网络political liberalism;Rawls
  1. 研究人员称,奇怪的是,这种效果对保守派人士最为有效,政治自由主义者更不容易首先担心脏乱问题。

    Oddly , the effect seems to work most on conservatives - political liberals are less liable to be worried about mess in the first place , say the researchers .

  2. 文化场域、左翼政治与自由主义&重识《现代》杂志的基本立场

    The Culture Field , Left-wing Politics and Freedom & Reunderstanding the basic Position of Modern

  3. 美国的政治思想:自由主义和保守主义

    American Political Thought : Liberalism and Conservatism

  4. 约翰·洛克是十七世纪英国著名的哲学家、政治思想家、自由主义和古典自然法学派的主要代表。

    John Locke , a famous British philosopher and political thinker , is the main representative of liberalism and classical natural law school in the seventeenth century .

  5. 在思想根源上它是美国两大政治思想&自由主义与保守主义冲突与妥协的产物;它自身反映了个人主义、自由、平等价值观在不同利益集团中的演绎。

    It roots in the two political thoughts of liberalism and conservatism ; and it itself reflects the pursuit of individual interests , liberty and equality within every interest group .

  6. 政治形势转而对自由主义者有利。

    The political pendulum has swung in favour of the liberals .

  7. 我们坚持政治制度要基于自由主义,但每天产生新的诉苦。

    We insisted upon liberalization of the political systems but every day brought new complaints .

  8. 在共享的政治前提下,自由主义与社群主义的争论为中国公民意识的培育提供了构建主体的多元选择和构建路径的多渠道模式。

    Under the political premise of share , these basic positions of communitarianism afford multiple options in build mainstay and multiple channel models in build path for fostering the citizen consciousness in China .

  9. 如果你说:“是的,当然了,非常接近,”那么你很可能在政治上是个自由主义者,并且强烈支持政府救助无家可归者以及失业者。

    If you said : " Yeah , sure , close enough , " then you are probably politically liberal , and strongly support the idea of government aid for the homeless and unemployed .

  10. 在美国政治思想中,自由主义和保守主义的界限模糊,它们都源于欧洲,在经济、社会、外交等方面各执己见,却又互相渗透。

    It is very difficult to distinguish between liberalism and conservatism in the American political thought . They both originated in Europe , but conflict with and infiltrate into each other in economy , society and foreign affairs .

  11. 密尔是19世纪英国著名的自由主义政治思想家,其自由主义政治思想成为由古典自由主义向新自由主义过渡的桥梁,在西方政治思想史上具有重要的地位。

    Mill , John Stuart , is a famous English political ideologist of liberalism in the 19th century , possessing a vital position in the western political and ideological history , for his bridging role from classic liberalism to neo-liberalism .

  12. 因此,他们对于战后国共政治、中美政治、中苏政治以及自由主义政治重大问题就不得不投入更多的关注。

    Therefore , they regarding the postwar Kuomintang and Communist Parties politics , the Chinese and American politics , the Sino-Soviet politics as well as the liberalism politics major issue can not but invest more attention .

  13. 他们的政治哲学思想在本质上都是资本主义意识形态的反映,都未能摆脱资本主义主流政治哲学思潮&自由主义的桎梏。

    Their political thoughts are the reflection of the capitalist ideology in essence , and are confined to liberalism , the mainstream political thought of capitalism .