
  • 网络political modernization
  1. 德国早期政治现代化道路有其特殊性。

    The early political modernization in Germany had its special characteristics .

  2. 国民革命与中国政治现代化的发展

    The National Revolution and the development of Chinese political modernization

  3. 伊朗政党制度与政治现代化

    The system of political parties of Iran and its political modernization

  4. 浅谈中国政治现代化的发展

    The Strategy in the Development of Modernization of Politics in China

  5. 试论政治现代化的生态限度及其超越

    On the Ecosystem Limits and its Surmounts of Political Modernization

  6. 政治现代化进程中的舆论监督

    Supervision by Public Opinion in the Process of Political Modernization

  7. 佛教在泰国政治现代化进程中的作用

    Buddhism in Thailand in the Process of Political Modernization of the Role

  8. 乡村政治现代化的动力应该来自其内部。

    The power of the rural political modernization should come from inner .

  9. 村民自治中的政治现代化难题及其影响

    Problems in Villagers'Self-Government and their Influence upon the Political Modernization

  10. 政治现代化是实现现代化过程中至关重要的环节。

    Political modernization is a critical link in the process of modernization .

  11. 试论政治现代化进程中的政府高效能

    High governmental efficiency in the course of political modernization

  12. 论中国政治现代化进程中的政治文化建设

    On Construction of Political Culture in the Course of China 's Political Modernization

  13. 中产阶级在特立尼达和多巴哥政治现代化中的作用

    Role of the Middle Class of Trinidad and Tobago in the Political Modernization

  14. 它的建立极大地推动了中国的政治现代化进程。

    It was created to promote the process of political modernization in China .

  15. 它应当随着政治现代化的进程而不断改革与创新。

    It should be continuously reform with creative along with the political modernization .

  16. 政治现代化是一个长时间的过程,不可能一蹴而就;

    Political modernization is a long - term process .

  17. 论当代中国政治现代化的实现

    On the Realization of the Political Modernization in China

  18. 第一部分,魁北克政治现代化启动的客观必然性。

    Part I , the necessity to initiate the process of political modernization .

  19. 政治现代化的一个显著标志是政治参与大众化。

    The remarkable signal of political modernization is political involvement in a popular way .

  20. 而政治现代化是现代化的重要内容和有机组成部分。

    And the political modernization is the important content and organic component of it .

  21. 1917年以前俄国的经济现代化与政治现代化

    Economic and politic modernization in Russia before 1917

  22. 斗地主斗什么?容克与德国政治现代化

    What is All about Struggle against Landlords ? The Junker and German Political Modernization

  23. 第二部分,政治现代化视野下的平静革命。

    Part II , The Quiet Revolution under the vision of the political modernization .

  24. 政治现代化首先是政治文化的现代化。

    The modernization of political culture is the first step in the political modernization .

  25. 适应政治现代化培育公民意识

    Adapt to Political Modernization , Cultivate Civil Ideology

  26. 十五大以来我国政治现代化的新发展&兼析深圳市龙岗区大鹏镇镇长选举制度改革的政治意义

    The New Development of China ′ s Political Modernization since the 15th CPC Congress

  27. 与此同时,政治现代化中的市民社会问题尤为突出。

    Meanwhile , the problem of civil society in political modernization is particularly prominent .

  28. 论农民在法国近代政治现代化过程中角色的转变

    Talk About the Role 's Transition While France Has Modernized Modern Politics of Peasants

  29. 1848年德国革命是德国政治现代化的一次契机。

    The German revolution in 1848 was an elusive crux for German political modernization .

  30. 政治现代化过程中的基层群众自治

    Grass-roots autonomy in the process of political modernization