
zhènɡ fǔ ɡān yù
  • government intervention;governmental intervention;interventionism
  1. 区际经济关系中的政府干预与协调

    Governmental Intervention and Coordination in the Field of Inter-Regional Economic relationship

  2. 分税制改革、地方政府干预与金融发展效率

    Tax Sharing Reform , Governmental Intervention and the Efficiency of Financial Development

  3. 航空公司将能脱离政府干预设定便宜的机票价格。

    Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without interference from the government .

  4. 这个问题需要政府干预才能解决。

    The problem requires governmental interference for its solution .

  5. 劳工和整体经济复原需要的是更多自由,而不是更多政府干预。

    What those workers , and the economy overall , need is more resilience-enhancing liberalization , not more government intervention .

  6. 而市场准入限制也是凌驾于WTO成员政府干预服务贸易自由化的国内监管之上。

    And the market access limitation also overrides domestic regulation which intervenes the liberalization of service trade by the government of WTO members .

  7. 因此,与认为去年秋季的大规模政府干预阻止了经济滑入另一个大萧条(GreatDepression)的常识性观点相反,新保守派评论人士(他们已经缓过神来,找回了自信!)

    Thus contrary to the commonsense view that massive government intervention last autumn stopped the slide down to another Great Depression , the new conservative commentators ( having got their breath and confidence back !)

  8. 其中一些举措,加之世界各国政府干预行业政策尤其是对金融业和汽车业的纾困对贸易的扭曲作用,可能会在wto引发法律诉讼。

    Some of these actions , together with the trade-distorting effects of government industrial policy interventions around the globe particularly financial and auto industry bail-outs may be vulnerable to legal challenge at the WTO .

  9. 根据全球监管者会议金融稳定委员会(fsb)有关整顿“影子银行”的全面提议,非银行放贷市场正面临空前水平的政府干预。

    Non-bank lending markets face unprecedented levels of government intervention under sweeping proposals to tame " shadow banking " laid out by global regulators meeting as the financial stability board .

  10. 国家控制、政府干预、银行债务与资金侵占

    State Control , Government Intervention , Bank Loan and Asset Appropriation

  11. 政府干预具有优先权,能够帮助稳定系统。

    Government intervention has precedence and can help stabilise the system .

  12. 分析了政府干预科技活动的必要性,由此提出了目前我国实施科技发展政策的必要性。

    The necessity of government interference in scientific activities is analyzed .

  13. 住宅金融周期性风险的政府干预化解:原理、机制与对策

    Governmental Interference of Residential Financial Periodical Risk Principle 、 Mechanism and Countermeasures

  14. 地方政府干预城市商业银行问题研究

    A Research on Local Government 's Behaviors of Intervening Urban Commercial Banks

  15. 二是提高政府干预的效率。

    Second , raising the efficiency of the government intervention .

  16. 为了避免由于政府干预经济而带来的外部性问题,应尽量减少政府对经济的干预。

    The government should try to avoid its intervention in economic affairs .

  17. 对政府干预经济发展的理性思考

    Rational Reflections on the Governmental Intervention in the Economic Development

  18. 因此,经济法在确认政府干预经济的同时,还应当对政府的某些活动予以纠正、限制乃至于禁止。

    Firstly , the economic law confirms that the government supervises economy .

  19. 区域经济不同发展阶段政府干预研究

    Research on Government Intervention in Regional Economy of Different Phases

  20. 需要政府干预的第二个领域是科学技术。

    A second area for intervention is science and technology .

  21. 企业的质量、价格决策与政府干预

    Enterprises ' Quality , Price Decisions and Government Intervention

  22. 债务结构、政府干预与市场环境

    Debt structure , government intervention , and market condition

  23. 我国政府干预住房二级市场的政策研究

    Studies on the Policies of Chinese Government Intervention in the Housing Secondary Market

  24. 肯尼迪、约翰逊政府干预国家经济的措施及历史地位

    National Economic Measures Intervened by Kennedy and Johnson Administrations and the Historical Position

  25. 第四,政府干预过多。

    Fourth , the government intervenes too much .

  26. 政府干预:一种价值选择&从经济学到法学

    Government Interference : A kind of Value Choice & From economics to legal science

  27. 我国生态标识食品的发展现状、制约因素与政府干预与政府干预

    Development Status , Affecting Factors of and Governmental Intervention on Eco-labeling Food in China

  28. 政府干预与市场调节对公立医院公平与效率的影响

    Influence of Equity and Efficiency on Public Hospital , Government Intervene and Market Adjustment

  29. 第二部分,经济法对政府干预行为的规制。

    The second part is the regulating function of Economic Law to the government .

  30. 对区域经济合作中政府干预行为失当的思考

    Consideration on Improper Action About Government Co-ordination of the Reginal Economic Construction and Co-operation