
zhèng jiào fēn lí
  • Separation of politics and religion;separation of religion from politics;separation of the church from the state;divorce religion from government;keep religion and government separated
政教分离[zhèng jiào fēn lí]
  1. 印度实行政教分离的基本社会条件

    The Basic Social Condition for India 's Separation of Religion from Politics

  2. 公民宗教是在政教分离的情况下,借助于宗教的形式来为社会确立共同的政治信仰。

    Under the condition of separation of religion from politics , civil religion sets up common political conviction for the society with the aid of religious form .

  3. 甘地说过,那些主张政教分离者对两者的本质都不了解。

    Gandhi said that those who isolate religion from politics don 't understand the nature of either .

  4. 因为这么做违反了政教分离原则。

    Because it violates the separation of church and state .

  5. 现代土耳其建国于1923年,是一个严格的政教分离国家。

    Modern Turkey was founded in 1923 as a strictly secular state .

  6. 政教分离是不可能的。你们的天堂就要失去了

    Their is NO separation of church and state and you heathens will lose

  7. 论18世纪美国政教分离制度的确立

    Establishment of United States ' Separation of Church and State System during 18th Century

  8. 土耳其自从1923年建国以来,一直是一个严格的政教分离国家。

    Turkey , since its creation in1923 , has been a strictly secular state .

  9. 美国宗教惯常做法的第三个特征是政教分离。

    A third characteristic of American religious practice is the separation of church and state .

  10. 我们倾向于认为政教分离的原则已经确立

    We like to think that the principle of separation of church and state is settled

  11. 在政府内实行严格的政教分离政策

    A policy of strict secularism in government

  12. 政教分离直到近代还适用于教会学校。

    The separation of church and state applied to church schools up to the recent times .

  13. 其特点主要包括:第一,具有在政治运行模式上典型的协商共治特色;第二,具有鲜明的宗教宽容和政教分离的特点。

    Advantages include : first , Deliberative consultation ; second , religious tolerance and separation of Church and State .

  14. 在二十世纪六十年代,一些富于战斗精神的团体声称这违背了政教分离的原则。

    In the 1960s militant groups proclaimed this a violation of the doctrine of separation of church and state .

  15. 他说:“在政教分离的法国,人们都竭诚欢迎您。”

    He added that : " In the secular republic that is France , all welcome you with respect . "

  16. 政教分离,移民问题及各种宗教信仰的冲击已经奇特地打乱了圣公会的一惯安逸。

    The shocks of secularism , immigration and rival faiths have already shaken up the complacency of Anglicanism in peculiar ways .

  17. 政教分离原则这一独特的政体制度是公民宗教形成的前提条件。

    Separation of church and state which is the distinctive form of government system is the premise condition forming civil religion .

  18. 由谢赫.哈西娜领导、主张政教分离并执行中间偏左路线的人民联盟赢得议会300席中的大约230席。

    The secular , left-of-center party , led by Sheik Hasina , captured about 230 of the parliament 's 300 seats .

  19. 凯末尔曾强加给穆斯林教徒政教分离政策,作者将其与东欧那昙花一现的共产主义类比。

    He likens Kemal Ataturk 's imposition of secularism on Turkey 's Muslim population to the imposition of communism on eastern Europe .

  20. 父亲发现自己身陷两个极端之间挣扎,一边是政教分离和社会主义,一边是伊斯兰军激进分子。

    He found himself torn between the two extremes , secularism and socialism on one side and militant Islam on the other .

  21. 这是西欧历史上第一次出现的政教分离,为西欧法律传统、近代自由主义和宪政主义开辟了道路。

    This was the first time of separation in western history , which explored the road of western law tradition , modern liberalism and constitutionalism .

  22. 美利坚合众国的奠基是基督教上帝文化的一朵奇葩,政教分离制度的确立给予了国家和教会独立发展、自由竞争的机会。

    The foundation of America was the result of Christian culture and the separation of state and church gives the state and church equal opportunities of development .

  23. “新蒙昧主义思潮”中的“宗教政治蒙昧主义”对宪法政教分离的原则与宪政已经和正在造成重大冲击并产生了消极性影响。

    The " religious and political obscurantism " in " Neo-Obscurantism " has impacted and is impacting negatively the constitution and the constitutional separation of politics and religion .

  24. 2006年年底,埃塞俄比亚向索马里派出几千人的部队,推翻了伊斯兰分子掌权的政府,扶植了一个政教分离、但不受欢迎的政府,政府成员基本是原来的派系领导人。

    In late 2006 , Ethiopia sent thousands of troops to Somalia to oust Islamists from power and install a secular-but-unpopular government made up largely of former factional leaders .

  25. 在印度,世俗主义原则更多体现的是宗教平等而不是政教分离,宗教对政治的渗透使得印度建立一个现代民族国家困难重重。

    In India , the principle of secularism more means religious equality than the separation of politics from religion , and this makes India difficult to become a modern nation-state .

  26. 随着国家政教分离政策,中国城市特有的儒教解体与下行,城市儒教形成了完整生命周期的涨落过程。

    With the disintegration of the separation of religion and state , urban Confucianism has formed a complete fluctuation , during this period along with the disintegration of Confucian and down .

  27. 阿里·萨拉比是泛阿拉伯地区半岛电视台常常路面的牧师,声称目前国会的执行委员会是由一帮“极端政教分离论者”组成的。

    Ali Salabi , a cleric often seen on the popular pan-Arab Al Jazeera television channel , says the council 's executive committee is made up of " extreme secularists " .

  28. 耶稣说恺撒的归恺撒,上帝的归上帝,从而开创了政教分离的传统。

    When Jesus said , " Pay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar & and God what belongs to God ", it opened the tradition of separation of church and state .

  29. 经典世俗化是一个历史发生的过程,其大背景则是原初宗教信仰的变革、衰微和失传,以及政教分离的趋向。

    Classic secularization is a historical process , the general background of which was the evolution , decline and loss of primitive religions and the trend of separation of government from church .

  30. 因此,我相信,此刻是对政教分离原则的重要考验,可能是我们此生中可见证的最重要考验。

    For that reason , I believe that this is an important test of the separation of church and state as we may see in our lifetimes , as important a test .