
zhènɡ fǔ jiān huì yì
  • intergovernmental meeting
  1. 亚太发展援助协调员政府间会议政府间常设航运委员会

    Intergovernmental Meeting of Development Assistance Coordinators in Asia and the Pacific

  2. 本政府间会议以前的几次会议已为这些行动确定了一些优先事项。

    Previous sessions of this intergovernmental meeting have assigned some priorities to these actions .

  3. 政府间会议,比如刚结束的亚太经合组织(Apec)会议和20国集团(G20)悉尼峰会,都具备了一种少有的紧迫性。

    Inter-governmental meetings such as the last Apec conference and the Group of 20 leading economies in Sydney took on an unwonted urgency .

  4. 在非危机时期,欧洲理事会(EuropeanCouncil)将会成立一个委员会,花上一两年时间起草一个总体规划,接下来将是举行政府间会议和引人注目的峰会,然后用几年时间来贯彻执行。

    In non-crisis mode , the European Council would set up a committee that would spend a year or two drawing up a master plan . This would be followed by an intergovernmental conference and a dramatic summit . And then it would take years to implement .

  5. 判定和减轻地震危险政府间会议

    Intergovernmental Conference on Assessment and Mitigation of Earthquake Risk

  6. 亚洲和大洋洲新闻传播政策政府间会议

    Intergovernmental Conference on Communication Policies in Asia and Oceania

  7. 文化政策促进发展政府间会议

    Intergovernmental Conference on Cultural Policies for Development

  8. 知识产权观察组织报告说,一个防范流感大规模蔓延的政府间会议并未解决所有问题。

    Intellectual Property Watch reported that an Intergovernmental Meeting on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness had not resolved all issues .

  9. 上届闭会期间政府间会议收到了各种各样的提案,具体论述了上述关注的问题。

    The three WIPO intersessional intergovernmental meetings brought a rich tableau of proposals that concretely addressed those concerns .

  10. 《欧盟宪法条约》经过近一年的谈判终于在布鲁塞尔政府间会议上获得通过。

    Treaty on establishing a Constitution for Europe has been adopted at IGC in Brussels Summit after over one year 's tough negotiation .

  11. 大流行性流感政府间会议正在努力形成共享病毒和共享利益的及时、公平、透明和公正的系统。

    The intergovernmental meeting on pandemic influenza is seeking a timely , fair , transparent , and equitable system for the sharing of viruses and the sharing of benefits .

  12. 在2007年下半年,世卫组织主持召开了三次政府间会议,包括7月在曼谷举行的一次会议和11月几乎接连在日内瓦举行的两次会议。

    In the last half of2007 , WHO hosted three intergovernmental meetings , including one held in Bangkok in July and two held in Geneva , almost back-to-back , in November .

  13. 新能源和可再生能源问题政府间技术会议

    Intergovernmental Technical Meeting on New and Renewable Sources of Energy

  14. 一旦最后确定,这些职权范围将提交世卫组织会员国和区域经济组织的一次政府间特别会议。

    Once finalized , these TORs will be submitted to a special Intergovernmental Meeting of WHO Member States and regional economic organizations .

  15. 拉伏说,厄尔尼诺不会产生暴风雨,但是会给严重暴风雨的形成提供条件。厄尔尼诺问题政府间专家会议

    Larve said the El Nino will not result in rainstorms but will contribute to the forming of them . Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts on El Nino

  16. 全球森林问题政府间工作组会议

    Meeting of the Intergovernmental Working Group on Global Forests

  17. 非洲工业化政府间专家全体会议

    Intergovernmental Experts of the Whole on Industrialization in Africa

  18. 引渡问题政府间专家组会议

    Intergovernmental Expert Group Meeting on Extradition

  19. 政府间环境教育会议非政府组织环境联络会

    Non-governmental Organization Environment Liaison Board

  20. 政府间海洋研究会议

    Intergovernmental Conference on Oceanic Research

  21. 研究结果将作为2013年政府间气候变化评定会议的资料。

    The research will feed into the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 's assessment in2013 .

  22. 政府间传播发展规划会议;

    Intergovernmental Planning Conference on communication development ;

  23. 作为世界上规模最大的跨洲政府间论坛,亚欧会议已成为联接亚洲和欧洲不可或缺的沟通桥梁与合作平台。

    As the largest inter-governmental forum across continents , ASEM has become an indispensable bridge and platform linking Asia and Europe .

  24. 在这方面,我想向大家表扬公共卫生、创新和知识产权政府间工作组历次会议所取得的杰出成就。

    In this regard , I want to commend you for the tremendous progress made in meetings of the Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health , Innovation , and Intellectual Property .

  25. 潘基文的发言人发表声明表示,联合国秘书长对12月27日举行的政府间发展组织首脑会议的成果表示欢迎,该组织将派调停小组与南苏丹政府和反对派沟通,争取达成停火协议,释放被捕人员,构建和平对话进程。

    A statement issued by Ban 's spokesperson says the UN chief welcomes the outcome of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development Summit held on 27 December , appointing a mediation team to work with the government of South Sudan and opposition in reaching a cease fire , the release of the detainees and building toward a process of peaceful dialogue .

  26. 针对条约改革和政策制定这两大主题,欧盟制度为政府间谈判设计了三种形式&部长理事会、政府间会议和欧洲理事会。

    As to the two subjects of treaty reformation and decision-making , EU institution designed three forms of intergovernmental negotiations : Council of Ministers , Intergovernmental Conference and Council of Europe .