
zhènɡ zhì shēnɡ huó
  • politic life
  1. 近年来,涉黑组织犯罪在我国呈现出日趋泛滥的态势,严重破坏了社会经济生活秩序和政治生活秩序。

    In recent years , the crime demonstrates the situation of overflowing day by day in our country , which has destroyed the social economy and politic life order seriously .

  2. 游行示威是那一地区政治生活的基本内容。

    Parades and marches were the very stuff of politics in the region .

  3. 她喜爱政治生活。

    She enjoyed political life .

  4. 他憎恨传统政治生活中的尔虞我诈。

    He abhors the wheeling-and-dealing associated with conventional political life .

  5. 而是在论述,的属性,that,this,attribute,of,logos,确实必须包含政治生活。

    He has more of an argument of the kind Logos actually entails political life .

  6. MPA教育项目毕业生,也在各国的政治生活中,扮演了越来越重要的角色。

    MPA , in the national political life , it played more and more important role .

  7. 另一位英国工党首相哈罗德威尔逊(haroldwilson)有句名言:在政治生活中,一周是一段很长的时间。

    Harold Wilson , another Labour Prime Minister , famously remarked that a week is a long time in politics .

  8. 将这论点放到书中,在柏拉图的《理想国》书中,that,Polemarchus,,from,Plato's,Republic,应会了解,友敌是政治生活的自然演变,与根深蒂固的类别。

    To put the argument in terms Polemarchus would have known , friend and enemy are natural and ineradicable categories of political life .

  9. 农民工物质生活、精神生活和政治生活的劣势地位呼吁农民工NGO的建立,但我国的农民工NGO尚处于起步阶段。

    The disadvantageous position of farmer workers in material , mental and political life calls for the establishment of NGOs , which is at early stage in China .

  10. 过去的三十年,英国的政治生活主要由两大政党主宰——保守党,现在由大卫·卡梅隆(DavidCameron),工党,由现任首相戈登·布朗领导。

    British Party Leaders Britain 's political life has been for the past three decades by two parties - the Conservatives , now led by David Cameron , and Labor headed by current Prime Minister Gordon Brown .

  11. 教育者缺乏对学生政治生活的足够重视。

    The educator lacks enough attention to students ' political life .

  12. 奴隶制度当时成为美国政治生活中的紧迫问题。

    Slavery was now becoming a burning question in American politics .

  13. 他避免卷入他所在社区的政治生活。

    He avoids involvement in the political life of his community .

  14. 从正确处理人民内部矛盾到构建社会主义和谐社会&关于国家政治生活主题和党的执政理念的思考

    Thinking about Topic of State Political Life and Reign Idea of Party

  15. 竞选总统的演讲在美国政治生活中扮演着十分重要的角色。

    The presidential campaign speeches play an important role in American life .

  16. 金融对政治生活施加的影响通过金钱强化了。

    The influence of finance over political life was reinforced by money .

  17. 政治生活中存在着两种妥协。

    There are two classes of compromise in political life .

  18. 它颠覆了传统的权力关系,使政治生活变得更加复杂。

    It overthrows the traditional power relations and makes politics more complex .

  19. 在国家政治生活中和社会生活中,正义有着重要地位。

    In state political life and social life , and has important position .

  20. 当代政治生活中的官本位意识透视

    The Perspective of " Officialdom Standard " Consciousness in Present Age Political Life

  21. 政治生活中利益集团的成因分析

    On the Origin of Interest Groups in Political Life

  22. 正是这些疑问,促使我开始对苏联政治生活中的非制度化现象发生兴趣的。

    These questions urge me to be interested in the non - institutionalized phenomena .

  23. 政党是现代政治生活中不可或缺的角色和原则,政党政治则是现代政治生活的要素和主要组织方式。

    Political parties play an important role in modern political life around the world .

  24. 对于国家权力的制约是人类政治生活永恒的主题。

    The restriction about the state power is the eternal subject of politics life .

  25. 在总体的政治生活中存在着作为基础的微观层面。

    There exists in overall political life a micro-level that serves as a basis .

  26. 理论艺术:我们政治生活中的哪些方面最困扰你?

    Art of Theory : What features of our political life most puzzle you ?

  27. 参加共同的经济和政治生活

    Partake in a common economic and political life

  28. 他在英国政治生活中依然很活跃。

    He has remained active in British politics .

  29. 在政治生活领域,全球化对社会主义政治文化造成了一定的冲击;

    In the political field , globalization brings certain shock to socialist political culture .

  30. 但是在他大部分的政治生活中,他都极力为种族分离辩护。

    Yet he had strongly defended racial separation for most of his political life .