
  • 网络sui;The sui dynasty;was built during the Sui Dynasty
  1. 隋朝对待西北民族的谋略思想

    The Strategic Views of the Sui Dynasty towards Northwestern Minorities

  2. 隋朝在海南建置考略

    Textual Researches on the Establishment of Counties in Hainan during the Sui Dynasty

  3. 在隋朝和唐朝期间(581~907A.D.)

    During Sui and Tang dynasties ( 581 ~ 907A . D. )

  4. 这座桥始建于隋朝,它有几个拱门。

    This bridge which has several arches was initially built in Sui dynasty .

  5. 昙花一现历史的轮回&对秦朝与隋朝命运的探讨

    A Fleeting Show of Historical Samsara & About Qin dynasty and Sui dynasty

  6. 这时北方的隋朝已经强大起来。

    Meanwhile , the Suin the north grew strong .

  7. 杨坚重新统一了中国,建立了隋朝。

    Yang Jian established the Suih Dynasty , and China was united again .

  8. 论隋朝统治者的宗教政策

    On the Ruler 's Religious Policy of Sui Empire

  9. 李德林是隋朝一位重要的政治家、文学家、史学家。

    Li DeLin is an important politician , writer and historian in Sui dynasty .

  10. 试从隋朝人名看隋朝文化思想

    A View on the Culture and Ideology from the Names in the Sui Dynasty

  11. 隋朝存在时间较短,疆域开拓与经营有限。

    The presence of a relatively short time , territory development and management limited .

  12. 科举制度自隋朝创立以来,延续了大约1300年。

    The imperial examination system which was originated from Sui dynasty lasts over 1300 years .

  13. 隋朝史学管窥

    On the Historiography of the Sui Dynasty

  14. 在中国历史上,隋朝与秦朝相比,有许多相似之处。

    There are some similarities between the Sui Dynasty and the Qin in Chinese history .

  15. 隋朝的殷富与隋政府的农业政策

    The Great Wealth of the Sui Dynasty and the Policy on Agriculture of the Sui Government

  16. 隋朝的北部防务与长城问题

    The Defense of Northern Borderland in the Sui Dynasty and the Problem of the Great Wall

  17. 隋朝开始开科取士,最初亦为取秀才。

    Sui Dynasty began to open branches to take disabilities , also taking the first scholar .

  18. 隋朝监察制度述论

    Supervisory System in Sui Dynasty

  19. 试述隋朝对内蒙古地区的统治与管理

    An account of the rule and administration of the area of Inner Mongolia during the Sui Dynasty

  20. 隋朝的迅速覆灭是由政府的暴虐和不断的战争所导致的。

    The Sui Dynasty 's early demise was attributed to the government 's tyranny and ceaseless wars .

  21. 隋朝创立新型职官制度,唐五代承之,虽因时损益,仍以三省六部诸寺诸监为其行政中心。

    Sui Dynasty established a new kind of official system , and Tang , Five Dynasties inherited it .

  22. 从隋朝起,黄色成为皇家专用的颜色。

    During the Sui Dynasty , yellow was officially designated as the exclusive color for the imperial family .

  23. 接下来的隋朝,统治者又将儒教道教与佛教混合起来合法化其权利。

    In the ensuing Sui dynasty , Confucianism and Taoism were again fused with Buddhism to legitimize it .

  24. 隋朝开凿大运河之后,天津便快速发展起来。

    The opening of the Grand Canal of China during the Sui Dynasty prompted the development of Tianjin .

  25. 隋朝的李密把书挂在牛角上,一有时间就读。

    And Li Mi hung his book on a horn of his cow and made time to read it .

  26. 但当时,隋朝正入侵陈国,陈国即将被灭亡。

    But before long their country was in danger of being invaded by the troops of the Sui Dynasty .

  27. 到了杨坚夺取了北周政权、建立隋朝以后,这一任务才由隋文帝杨坚完成。

    It was not until Yang Jian usurped the throne and founded the Sui Dynasty that the reunification occurred .

  28. 自隋朝开科取士开始,他们就活跃在中国历史的舞台上。

    Since Sui dynasty when the imperial examinations were first introduced , they have been active in Chinese history .

  29. 《八代谈薮》是一本较为罕见的文言小说,其成书应在隋朝。

    " Ba Dai Tan Sou " is a relatively rare classical Chinese novel written in the Sui Dynasty .

  30. 三省六部制首创于隋朝(581——618),

    The Three Departments and Six Ministries System was initiated during the Sui Dynasty ( 581 - 618 ) .