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  1. 到了杨坚夺取了北周政权、建立隋朝以后,这一任务才由隋文帝杨坚完成。

    It was not until Yang Jian usurped the throne and founded the Sui Dynasty that the reunification occurred .

  2. 一部颇具特色的历史人物传记&《隋文帝杨坚》一书评介

    A Historical Biography with Characteristics & A Comment on and Introduction of the Book Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty

  3. 公元581年,北周外戚杨坚废静帝自立,改国号为隋,是为文帝,北朝结束。最终由隋文帝杨坚灭南朝陈,重新统一了中国。

    In 581 , Yang Jian , a family member of Northern Zhou 's empress usurped the throne and changed the name to the Sui .

  4. 王士立和闻有红撰著的《隋文帝杨坚》一书,是一部全面系统述评隋朝开国皇帝隋文帝扬坚生平事迹的大型传记。

    The Book Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty , written by Wang Shi-Li and Wen You-Hong , is a great biography on the life story of the first emperor of Sui Dynasty , Yang Jian .