
  • 网络emperor yang of the sui dynasty;Emperor Yang of Sui
  1. 《水调》创始在隋炀帝大业元年,其于创始之初只是小曲,音乐风格上表现出悲切的特点。

    In Daye first year , Emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty ," Shui Diao " initiates as a Xiaoqu , displaying sad characteristic in music style .

  2. 因为他的智慧,隋炀帝赐封他为智者大师,这个名字至今仍为人们所知。

    Because he was so wise , the Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty gave him the title The Wise Master , and this is how he is known even today .

  3. 隋炀帝是中国古代臭名昭著的一位皇帝。

    Emperor Sui Yang was a notorious emperor in ancient China .

  4. 618年,隋炀帝在江都被他的臣子杀害。

    In 618 , Emperor Yang was murdered in Jiangdu by one of his aides .

  5. 隋炀帝是一个暴君,也是一位著名的诗人。

    Emperor Sui Yang is not only a tyrant , but also is a well-known poet .

  6. 暴君隋炀帝评价的论辨&关于暴君之暴的政治分析

    On the Evaluation to Tyrant Sui Yang Di and Where Lies the Tyranny of a Tyrant

  7. 隋炀帝的政权来自于宫廷阴谋与贵族阶层的支持,故他的统治立足于上层。

    SUI Yang-di thought that his political power stemed from palace coup and nobles ' support .

  8. 略论隋炀帝时中日外交关系的空前发展

    On the Unprecedented Development of Chinese and Japanese Diplomatic Relationship During the Rein of Sui Yang Emperor

  9. 隋炀帝的奢侈与堕落最终耗尽了国家的资源。

    Emperor Yang 's extravagance and putridness finally led to the exhaustion of the country 's resources .

  10. 然而,因为满足于自己的成功,隋炀帝很快开始滥用他的权力。

    However , lulled by his easy success , Emperor Yang soon began to abuse his power .

  11. 隋炀帝研究实际上是求异思维、创新价值和领先精神在教学科研中的运用,既更新了教材、培养了学生的素质和能力,又扩大了学术研究成果的价值和范围;

    Virtually the study is the presentation of original thinking , innovative value and pioneering spirit in teaching and scientific research .

  12. 隋炀帝的一些政策确实为社会的发展与国家的稳定做出了贡献;

    Some of Emperor Yang 's policy did contribute a lot to the social development and the stability of the country ;

  13. 摘要隋炀帝是中国历史上少有的昏暴之君,但在文学上却是一位杰出的诗人。

    Emperor Yang in the Sui Dynasty is not only a rare fatuous tyrant in Chinese history but also an outstanding poet .

  14. 隋文帝于604年意外身亡,他的二儿子,也就是历史上的“隋炀帝”,继承了帝位。

    Emperor Wen died unexpectedly in 604 and his second son Yang Guang , historically known as Emperor Yang , succeeded to the throne .

  15. 616年,迫于混乱的局势,隋炀帝撤回江都(今江苏省扬州)。

    In 616 , forced by the chaotic situation , Emperor Yang , retreated to Jiangdu ( present Yangzhou City in Jiangsu Province ) .

  16. 20世纪80年代以来,在重新评价隋炀帝上,史学界经历了探索、认可、发展等三个阶段。

    Since the 1980s , the researching in Emperor Yang Di of the Sui Dynasty has experienced three stages , approaching , being approved and developing .

  17. 在隋炀帝执政初期,得益于他父亲的改革,隋朝获得了经济上的全面繁荣。

    In the early part of his reign Emperor Yang benefited from the reforms introduced by his father and the Sui Dynasty achieved full economic prosperity .

  18. 隋炀帝兼备多重身份:皇帝、文士和佛道信徒,这些不同的身份在他的诗歌创作中都有明显的反映。

    He had many identities such as emperor , man of letters , and believer of Buddhism and Taoism , which were also represented in his poems .

  19. 大业元年(605),隋炀帝下令开通一条贯通南北的大运河。

    On the first year of DaYe ( 605 ) , Emperor Yang ordered to construct " The Grand Canal " which goes through south to north .

  20. 在六世纪的隋朝,当时的隋炀帝邀请他国的外交使节来中国欣赏彩灯,观看节目。

    In the Sui Dynasty in the sixth century , Emperor Yangdi invited envoys from other countries to to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala performances .

  21. 本文以隋炀帝为个案,在继承前人学术成果的基础上,力求用一种新的认识方法对隋炀帝这一复杂人物进行研究和评价。

    Based on Emperor Sui Yang , the thesis tries to seek a new point of penetration on the evaluation by the means of the evaluation and research on the emperor .

  22. 许多人痛恨隋炀帝,但无计可施。一对银匠父女决定刺杀隋炀帝。计划之后,父亲为女儿打造了一双非常精美的莲花花瓣底小鞋子,并将她的脚绑小。

    A father made a a pair of small shoes with a sole shaped like a lotus , and trained his daughter to use this small shoe by binding her feet .

  23. 为了改善南北方之间的交通运输,隋文帝下令建造大运河,这条河开凿于隋文帝和他的儿子隋炀帝当政期间。

    To improve means of transport between the south and north the construction of the Grand Canal was commenced and completed during the reigns of Emperor Wen and his son , Emperor Yang .

  24. 隋炀帝的残暴在历史上也很有名,兄弟五人被他先后杀死了四个,最后杀掉父亲登上了血腥的皇帝之位。

    The new Emperor was rather cruel . He was famous for ferocity . He killed his four brothers while he only had five and finally killed his father to become the Emperor .

  25. 通过对隋炀帝面临的社会问题、隋炀帝的历史功绩、隋炀帝对后世的深远影响、隋炀帝的过失、隋炀帝的时代局限性等方面进行论述,力求对隋炀帝进行科学的历史定位。

    It adjudges Emperor Sui Yang from five chief aspects : the social problems which Emperor Sui Yang faced , his merits , his profound significance on the later ages , his faults and his limitation .

  26. 隋炀帝主持开凿了南北运河,联接起中原和江南地区,而扬州恰好处于运河与长江交汇处,成控扼之势。

    The Emperor presided over the north-south canal dug , joins from the Central Plains and south of the Yangtze River , Yangzhou happens in the Canal and the Yangtze River Interchange , as the trend of the control briefly .

  27. 从有命在天到我实负百姓&从商纣王、项羽、隋炀帝的政治意识看古代中国政权合法性观念的演变

    From " God Bless King " to " I Really Wronged the People " & the development of ancient China 's sense of legal political power 's source showed in SHANG Zhou-wang , XIANG Yu , SUI Yang-di 's political awareness

  28. 后世文艺作品叙述的隋炀帝故事,塑造的隋炀帝形象,表达的思想情感态度,基本没有超出它们的范围。唐宋时期,也产生一系列记录隋唐历史的史著。

    Stories of Emperor Yang circulated , image created and ideas , emotions and attitudes represented after ages were not beyond their expectations . A series of historical records in relation to the history of the Sui and Tang dynasties also appeared in the Tang and Song dynasties .