
tài jiàn
  • eunuch;court eunuch
太监 [tài jiàn]
  • [court eunch] 宦官

  • 与太监某守辽东。-- 明. 崔铣《记王忠肃公翱三事》

太监[tài jiàn]
  1. 并与Escort脂质体、Escort脂质体&转铁蛋白复合物的转基因效率进行比较。论明代的厂卫、太监干预司法

    Escort - transferrin complexes . Discussion on the Intervention on Judicature of the Plant " Chang " & the Armed Escort " Wei " and the Place Eunuch in the Ming Dynasty

  2. 清代太监惩罚制度述论

    The eunuch was punished the system review in Qing Dynasty

  3. 有两三个太监从窗户往外看他。

    Who ? 'Two or three eunuchs looked down at him .

  4. 就我来说嘛。总是不太容易信任太监们。

    Myself , I have always had a hard time trusting eunuchs .

  5. 他们是谁?太监:我是福尔摩斯。

    Who are they ? Eunuch : I am SherlockHolmes .

  6. 我只记得他穿着像个太监。

    I only know he dressed like an eunuch .

  7. 宫里有成千的太监。

    There were thousands of eunuchs in the palace .

  8. 他这人敏感得很,大概和身为太监有关吧。

    He 's very sensitive . Comes of being an eunuch , I imagine .

  9. 没有哪个太监能这么厉害的!

    Not even eunuchs have it so fine .

  10. 我希望所有的男人都变成太监。

    I wish men could become eunuchs .

  11. 妃嫔和太监们都住在这里。

    Here lived the concubines and eunuchs .

  12. 太监把手软软地一摊。

    The eunuch spread his soft hands .

  13. 奈德冷冷地看着太监。

    Ned looked at the eunuch coldly .

  14. 比如,童贯是太监,因此他会有一点同性恋情结。

    For instance , Tong Guan is a eunuch , so he is a little gay .

  15. 这使得摄者王成为必须,大权落入太监和皇后外戚手中。

    These necessitated regencies and power fell into the hands of eunuchs and empresses " relatives .

  16. 派席尔国师昏昏欲睡的眼睛登时睁得老大,他一脸怀疑地眯眼看着太监。

    Grand Maester Pycelle 's sleepy eyes flicked open . He squinted suspiciously at the eunuch .

  17. 他走到门边时,奈德叫道:瓦里斯,太监回过头。

    He was at the door when Ned called , Varys . The eunuch turned back .

  18. 太监抓抓脸颊。

    The eunuch stroked his cheek .

  19. 三宝太监西洋记通俗演义

    Expedition to the Western Ocean

  20. 请问“为什么要我扮太监,我应该是皇帝”是怎样翻译?

    Why the hell am I supposed to play the eunuch ? I should be the emperor .

  21. 虽然我不想损人家,但是恕我直言,我觉得新版演四皇子的演员其实更适合演一个太监。

    Not to be mean but the4th prince actually looks more suited to play a little eunuch imo.

  22. 神使但以理在太监长眼前蒙恩惠,受怜恤;

    And God granted Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the leader of the eunuchs ;

  23. 你老命令老子,你以为你是皇上啊,小太监!

    Lao command you are old , you thought you were the emperor ah , small eunuch !

  24. 奈德前脚刚踏进房间,几位重臣中他最嫌恶的太监瓦里斯便靠了过来。

    The councillor Ned liked least , the eunuch Varys , accosted him the moment he entered .

  25. 好啦,如果我是你,与其担心那太监,不如多提防兰尼斯特的人。

    Were I you , I would worry more about the Lannisters and less about the eunuch .

  26. 就是要皈依三宝,因为佛、法、僧三宝是一体的,有佛才有法,有法才有僧。三宝太监西洋记通俗演义

    Just take refuge in the Buddha , the Dharma , and the Sangha . Expedition to the Western Ocean

  27. 太监从前的甜腻语调不再,取而代之的是轻细且锐利如鞭的口气。

    The eunuch 's cloying tones were gone ; now his voice was thin and sharp as a whip .

  28. 明朝时,采珠更加兴盛,封建政府加大监控力度,设立专门的珠池太监来长久监守珠池,防止私采。

    Feudal government heightened the inspection and set up pearl-pond eunuch for a long garrisoning to prevent from stealing pearls .

  29. 明宪宗时期的云南镇守太监钱能

    A Review of Qian Neng the Guardian Eunuch of Yunnan Province During the Xian Zong Emperor of the Ming Dynasty

  30. 你们的粮食和葡萄园所出的,他必取十分之一给他的太监和臣仆。

    He will take a tenth of your grain and of your vintage and give it to his officials and attendants .