
tài píng jū
  • the Taiping Army
太平军[tài píng jū]
  1. 太平军在它英勇夺取的阵地上枕戈待敌。

    The Taiping army lay on its arms in the field which its valour had won .

  2. 太平军兴起之后,一度发、捻交乘,其中更有第二次鸦片战争的打击。

    After the Taiping Army rise , once hair , twist to multiply , more the second Opium War against .

  3. 那次战役太平军因腹背受敌,伤亡惨重。

    That battle took a heavy toll of the Taiping troops for they were attacked front and rear .

  4. 华特和查里斯?G?格登领导下的西方势力“长胜军”相互勾结才逐步把太平军逐回南方,并在1864年在太平军首府南京惨杀太平军将士,天京陷落。

    Gordon with their " Ever-Victorious Army " were able to gradually throw back the Taiping armies and to massacre the Heavenly Capital Nanjing in 1864 .

  5. 其次,太平军没能冲破江南大营与小刀会会合,小刀会孤军作战。

    Second , Taiping forces had not broken through the Jiangnan Camp and uniting it .

  6. 其成立的目的主要是为了阻止太平军北伐,并牵制当地捻军的活动。

    The chief purpose of the establishment were stopping the Taiping Rebellion Expedition and Nian Uprising .

  7. 江西士绅阶层的不合作和抗拒行为是致使江西太平军败亡的重要原因。

    Incorporation and resisting from gentry was the important reason of Taiping arm ' failure in Jiangxi .

  8. 太平军作为一个高度建制化的心理群体,其心理纽带主要表现为认同关系。

    Taiping Army is a high institutional mentality group , its mentality linkage is mainly a kind of identity relationship .

  9. 大渡河前的太平军与中央红军的不同结局之原因探析

    An Analysis of the Different Ending of the Tai Ping Army and the Central Red Army before the Dadu River

  10. 湘军之所以能够打败太平军,重要原因之一在于拥有一个综合素质较高的领导集团。

    One of the most important reasons of Xiang Army defeating Taiping Army was that Xiang Army had a high-quality leading group .

  11. 他组建湘军,与拥有百万之众的太平军征战十几年,最后扼杀了太平天国。

    He established Hunan Army , which fought with millions of Tai-ping troops for many years , and snuffed out it at last .

  12. 太平军北方战场出现过食人现象,这种现象分为两种情况:一是饥饿求生性食人;

    In the northern battlefield of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom appeared cannibalism due to two circumstances , namely , famine and evil nature .

  13. 太平军尽管攻占了南京又向北打到了天津却没能建立一个稳定的根据地。

    The Taiping army , although it had captured Nanjing and driven as far north as Tianjin , failed to establish stable base areas .

  14. 太平军因为以苏南为主攻方向,以及在水师方面明显的战术劣势,对镇江的进攻便只能停留在战术牵制的水平。

    Because of Taiping 's main object on South Jiangsu and the weakness of the navy , the attack on Zhenjiang simply remained curbing enemy .

  15. 中国社会仍然受到太平军和其他起义的破坏,西方的侵略继续威胁着中国的统一和完整。

    Chinese society was still reeling from the ravages of the Taiping and other rebellions , and foreign encroachments continued to threaten the integrity of China .

  16. 《凤山何氏宗谱》中太平军活动事略的史料价值

    The Historical Material Value of some of the Military Activities of the Taiping Army Recorded in The Books of the Genealogies of the He Family in Fengshan

  17. 由于江西太平军将领留恋征贡方式的旧习惯,干扰了他们刷新传统地方行政的努力。

    However , Taiping 's governors remained reluctant to stay their worse habit to levy the tribute , which disturbed their effort to perform traditional local administration .

  18. 太平军在它英勇夺取的阵地上枕戈待敌。他们夺回土地,分给了农民。

    The Taiping army lay on its arms in the field which its valour had won . They seized the land and distributed it among the peasants .

  19. 太平军在上海等地抗击英法侵略军的战斗,大大激发了中国人民的爱国热情。

    The resistance campaign waged by the Taiping army against the English and French invaders in Shanghai and other places aroused the patriotic enthusiasm of the Chinese people .

  20. 安徽农业自从太平军进入安徽之后遭到极大的破坏;而农业生产技术水平的低下,也致使农业生产萎缩。

    The Agriculture in Anhui Province were greatly damaged since the Taiping troops into Anhui . The low level of agricultural production technology also led to the contraction .

  21. 从动员口号看太平军与湘军力量的消长甘薯新品种湘薯19号的品种特性和栽培技术

    Success and Failure of Political Mobilization Slogans and the Growth and Decline of the Power of the Taiping Troops and the Hunan Troops ; The Variety Characteristics and Cultural Technique of New Variety Sweet Potato-XIANG SHU No.19

  22. 太平起义军由洪秀全(1814——1864)领导,他是一个乡村先生,在科举考试中名落孙山。

    The Taiping rebels were led by Hong Xiuquan ( 1814 - 1864 ) , a village teacher and unsuccessful imperial examination candidate .

  23. 太平天国定都南京,太平军足迹遍布淮盐销售引地,从而对淮盐运销产生了极大的影响。

    The troops of Taiping Heavenly kingdom , with its capital in nanjing , covered almost all the areas of the Huai sea salt sales , which ever brought great trouble to the Huai salt transportaion and sales .