
  • 网络Inside the Sun;Solar Interior
  1. 如果g模式确实存在,那么它就会引起太阳内部的密度,压强和温度的周期性变化。

    If g-mode oscillations do exist , they would give rise to periodic variation of solar interior temperatures , pressures and densities .

  2. 在能量由太阳内部一层层渗透出来的过程中,它经过了光谱中X射线部分,最后变成了光。

    As the energy filters through the layers of the solar interior , it passes through the X-ray part of the spectrum eventually becoming light .

  3. 这个变化的时间尺度和g模式振荡周期相同。这种周期性的变化会导致太阳内部声速的周期性变化。

    Thus the periodic behavior of sound speed would cause the frequencies of solar p-mode oscillation to change periodically on the time scale of g-mode oscillations .

  4. 在第4章中,我们介绍了中微子穿越太阳内部的共振加强效应(MSW效应)。

    In chapter 4 , we discuss the resonance enhancement mechanism ( MSW effect ) which happens when neutrino propagates inside the Sun .

  5. 原子核反应和太阳内部结构太阳内部热核反应的稳定性

    Stability problem of nuclear reactions in the interior of the sun

  6. 在太阳内部,核反应从来没有停止过。

    Never have unclear reactions stopped inside the sun .

  7. 对流、核反应和太阳内部振荡

    Convection , nuclear reactions and interior oscillations

  8. 在大中枢太阳内部,地球将日夜沐浴在光中。

    Inside of the Great Central Sun , Earth shall be bathed in light day and night .

  9. 从相关观测入手,综述了发电机理论需解释的观测事实,以及为发电机理论提供约束的太阳内部动力学结构;

    Staring from the observation , the paper summarizes some observations on the solar surface and the dynamic construction interior .

  10. 在大中央太阳内部,所有一切存在于统一之上的进化阶段即生活在全一中。

    Within the Great Central Sun , all exists in a phase of evolution beyond unity known as living in the ONE .

  11. 在极高温度下(如在太阳内部)发生的一种核聚变反应。本热水器采用金属镁阳极棒,有利于延长内胆的使用寿命。

    A nuclear fusion reaction taking place at very high temperatures ( as in the sun ) . Magnesium anode is used to extend tank life .

  12. 全球最大的核聚变工程已在法国开始装配,将复制太阳内部反应以创造终极清洁能源。

    The world 's largest nuclear fusion project that will replicate reactions in the sun to create the ultimate clean energy source has begun assembly in France .

  13. 我们用新的理论方法得到了核反应系统产生非稳定性的判据,它与太阳内部的引力(重力)加速度和温度梯度的性质密切相关。

    We use our new theoretical approach to obtain the instability criterion for the nuclear reaction systems , which relates closely to the gravitational acceleration and temperature gradient in the solar interior .

  14. 由于中子和正电子的磁矩恰好和质子和电子的磁矩反号,故减弱了太阳内部的固有磁场,从而减弱了太阳的活动。

    The inner magnetic fields of the sun is then weakened and solar activities are slowed down because magnetic moments of neutron and positron are opposite to that of proton and electron .

  15. 我们发现频率的变化随着太阳内部磁场强度增加而变大,并且和太阳活动周期密切相关。

    The frequency shifts is found to increase with the strength of magnetic fields in solar interior , and its temporal behavior closely follows the phase of the synthetic solar activity cycle .

  16. 日震学在研究太阳内部结构和演化方面取得的巨大成就促使人们去研究那些具有类似太阳振动现象的恒星。

    The great achievements in research of the Sun 's interior structure and evolution by using helioseismology encouraged people to study the fixed stars with oscillation phenomenon similar to that of the Sun .

  17. 作为闪击战的一部分,WISE团队召开了一场关于近地行星的记者招待会,会议期间谈到了太阳系内部物体的主题。

    As part of the blitz , the WISE team held a press conference on Near Earth Asteroids , during which the subject of objects in the solar system came up .

  18. 盐梯度太阳池内部稳定性的实用判据和监测方法

    A practical criterion and monitoring method of internal stability of salt-gradient solar pond

  19. 据估计我们的太阳系内部区域有10000颗已知的小行星。

    There are an estimated 10000 known asteroids orbiting our region of the inner solar system .

  20. 访问水星,你就是访问仅有的另一个在太阳系内部有磁场屏障的形星。

    Visit mercury , and you will be visiting the only other planet in the inner solar system with a magnetic field .

  21. 可以观测的的彗星偶尔会受到附近星星和巨大的星云的重力场作用而吸引到太阳系内部来。

    Observable comets are occasionally attracted toward the inner Solar System by the fields gravitational of nearby stars and giant molecular clouds .

  22. 天体物理学家约翰•马特斯和丹尼尔•惠特米尔分析了太阳系内部的彗星运转,发现许多彗星的运行轨道都非常奇特。

    Astrophysicists John Matese and Daniel Whitmire analyzed comets passing through the inner solar system , discovering many of them had strange orbits .

  23. 这只是科学家认为在我们的太阳系内部近邻小行星的百万分之一。

    That 's just one percent of the million or more asteroids scientists believe to be our near neighbors in the inner Solar System .

  24. 灶神星很像地球和太阳系内部其他多岩石的行星,而谷神星似乎更像遥远行星的冰冷卫星。

    Vesta is like Earth and the other rocky planets of the inner solar system , while Ceres appears to be more similar to the icy moons of the distant planets .

  25. 太阳能是自然界赋予人类的巨大财富,太阳通过内部的氢聚变成氦的原子核反应不停地释放巨大的能量,并不断向宇宙空间辐射能量。

    The solar energy is the huge wealth that the nature gives humankind ; the sun keeps releasing huge energy through the fusion reaction that hydrogen becomes helium , and continuously radiates energy toward the astrospace .

  26. 但是,在彗星从它们在行星盘的诞生地'前进'到奥尔特云的方式上,以及它们能返回太阳系内部的途径上,这颗星扮演着重要的角色。

    But it would play a big role in the way comets'made their way'from their birth places in the planetary disc out to the Oort Cloud and on now they can return to the inner solar system .

  27. 想象一下,站在一个圆顶,看着太阳从内部转变为新星,仿佛你就站在恒星的内部看着等离子旋转,缩小,扩大,最终爆发。

    Imagine standing in a dome and watching the Sun go nova-from the inside , as if you were in the center of the star watching the plasma currents swirl , contract , expand , and ultimately explode .

  28. 记者的愤怒不只限于《太阳报》内部。

    Indignation among journalists extends beyond the sun .

  29. 值得强调指出,发生在太阳和恒星内部的核反应是热核反应。

    It is worth emphasizing that the nuclear reactions occurring in the interior of the sun and stars are thermonuclear .

  30. 相比之下,太阳系最内部的炽热水星,公转周期则是88个地球日。

    By way of comparison mercury , the scorched innermost planet in the solar system , has a year that is 88 days long .