
xué shuō
  • theory;doctrine;teaching;ism
学说 [xué shuō]
  • [theory;doctrine;teaching] 学术上自成系统的主张、理论

  • 爱因斯坦的学说

学说[xué shuō]
  1. 这一荒诞的学说是以一系列错误的设想为依据的。

    This ridiculous theory is based on a series of wrong assumptions .

  2. 他的学说已经证明是经得起时间考验的。

    His theory has proved durable .

  3. 这实际上已是该学说的终结,只是未被道明罢了。

    It 's the end of the doctrine in all but name .

  4. 他们不太愿意被填鸭式地灌输来自日本的学说。

    They were less willing to be spoon-fed doctrines from Japan

  5. 这个学说建立在三条基本原理之上。

    The doctrine was based on three fundamental principles .

  6. 他结结巴巴地学说俄语,把她逗乐了。

    His stumbling attempts at colloquial Russian amused her .

  7. 达·芬奇搞研究井井有条,会详细记录观察资料和理论学说。

    Da Vinci was methodical in his research , carefully recording his observations and theories

  8. 他是个不折不扣、传统守旧的弗洛伊德学说信奉者。

    He was a strict , old-school Freudian .

  9. 他们鼓吹能颠覆英国社会结构的政治学说。

    They propagated political doctrines which promised to tear apart the fabric of British society .

  10. 我不同意作者的生活和意图与他的文本没有联系的学说。

    I disagree with the doctrine that the writer 's life and intention have no bearing on his texts .

  11. 我不十分重视这学说。

    I do not attach much weight to the theory .

  12. 他的学说把许多人诱入歧途。

    His doctrines have seduced many into error .

  13. 剩余价值学说是马克思经济理论的基石。

    The doctrine of surplus value is the cornerstone of Marx 's economic theory .

  14. 他确立了他的学说。

    He has established his theory .

  15. 这位生物学家提出了一个有关生命的新学说。

    The biologist advanced a new theory of life .

  16. 不同时期流行不同的学说。

    Different doctrines prevail in different times .

  17. 但是不同于现代将伊壁鸠鲁学说定乂为放纵和享乐主义,对于古希腊人来说,伊壁鸠鲁学说意味着寻找种宁静、平和以及精神放松的状态。

    But unlike the modern definition of Epicureanism as a life of indulgence and luxury , for the ancient Greeks , it meant finding a state of calm , peace and mental ease .

  18. 作为世界崩溃论在文学上的表现,他非常喜欢这个学说

    As a poetic version of a disintegrating world , this one pleased him .

  19. 这些学说是用来证实宇宙现象之间的关系。

    These theories are used to substantiate the relationship between the phenomenons of the universe .

  20. 哀公说:“我们鲁国有很多儒生,但是学习你道家学说的人却很少。”

    Ai Gong said : " There are many Confucian scholars in our country , but very few study your Taoist doctrines1 . "

  21. K(ATP)通道开放剂与β细胞休息学说

    K_ ( ATP ) - channel opener and β - cell rest

  22. Mendel的遗传学说的基础上产生和发展起来的一类随机搜索优化方法,常用于求解许多传统方法难以解决的高维的、多模态的、非线性的和多目标的复杂问题。

    Mendel 's genetic theory . Its application predominance lives in higher-dimensional , multimodal , non-linear and multiobjective complicated problems , which are difficult for traditional searching methods .

  23. 愈来愈多的实验表明,GPCR组成性活性及反向激动剂的研究具有广阔和实际的应用前景,对其进行深入研究在受体学说领域和药物研发过程中具有重要理论意义。

    The new progress in the research on the constitutive activity and inverse agonists of GPCR displays an important significance in application of the receptor theory , and practical values for drug development .

  24. 其次,研究还结合了Halliday的系统功能语言学中三大元功能的学说,在词汇句法的层面对索赔信进行了某些话步的语言策略分析,这是对体裁分析理论的补充。

    The research also draws on the three metafunctions in Halliday 's systemic functional linguistics to find out some linguistic strategies associated with certain moves on its lexico-grammatical level , which is a complementary part to the methodology of the genre study .

  25. 1956年,Harman首先提出了衰老的自由基学说,认为衰老是细胞内自由基的产生对细胞造成持续的累积性的损伤所致。

    In 1956 , Denham Harman first articulated the ' free radical theory ' of aging , speculating that endogenous ROS were generated in cells and causing cumulative damage ( Harman , 1957 ) .

  26. 应用受体学说推出的定量结构活性相关(QSAR)模型研究了硝基苯类化合物的致毒机理,结果表明,硝基苯类化合物的主要致毒机理是化合物亲电中心与受体分子亲核活性中心发生反应。

    The QSAR model derived from receptor theory was applied to disclose the mechanism of toxicity effect of nitrobenzene derivatives on aquatic creatures . It was found that the toxicity is mainly determined by the electrophilic reactivity of nitrobenzene derivatives to the active center of receptor molecular .

  27. 马克思主义狭义国家学说论析

    An Analysis of Marxist Theory of State in a Narrow Sense

  28. 马克思学说的思想演进和传播发展是东西方马克思主义的哲学分化的理论原因。

    The development and spreading of Marxism is the theoretical reason .

  29. 孔子社会学说的逻辑构成(下)

    Logical Composition of Confucius ' Social Theory ( Part Two )

  30. 孔子学说与汉语语言观的形成

    The Confucian Doctrine and the Formation of the Chinese Language Outlook