
cí běi jí
  • north pole;N-pole
磁北极[cí běi jí]
  1. 其一是地球是否将北极倾斜以避开X星磁北极的冲刷,或是暂时倾斜向相反的一面,将北极指向太阳。

    One is whether the globe is leaning its N Pole away from the hosing of magnetons from the N Pole of Planet X , or leaning temporarily into opposition , pointing its N Pole toward the Sun .

  2. 指南针的指针总指向磁北极。

    The needle on a compass always points to magnetic north .

  3. 罗盘的指针指向磁北极&通常位于加拿大北部。

    A compass points to magnetic north – which is often in northern Canada .

  4. 磁北极就是另一回事了。

    Magnetic north is something else .

  5. 正北方是地理的北极。磁北极与磁北极互相排斥。

    North magnetic poles repel .

  6. 这告诉地质学家这些岩石在从火山中喷发出来时,它们距离地球磁北极有多远。

    It help the geologists know how far these lava away from magnetic-north pole when it was erupted from the volcano .

  7. 因此,当太阳在太平洋,印度或欧洲顶上的时刻,地球的磁北极被推回到地平线之上。

    Thus when the Sun is overhead in the Pacific or India or Europe , the magnetic N Pole is pushed back over the horizon .

  8. 基本的磁体是磁偶极子。磁北极与磁北极互相排斥。

    The fundamental magnetic entities are magnetic dipoles . North magnetic poles repel .

  9. 基于单一磁极宽度变化的内置式永磁同步电动机齿槽转矩削弱方法磁北极与磁北极互相排斥。

    Different Pole-Arc Width Combination for Reducing Cogging Torque of Interior-Magnet PMSM North magnetic poles repel .