
  • 网络South Magnetic Pole;Geographic South Pole;South Geomagnetic Pole
  1. 司南勺由整块磁石制成。它的磁南极那一头琢成长柄,圆圆的底部是它的重心,琢得非常光滑。

    The spoon was cut from an intact piece of natural loadstone , with its handle as the South Pole and s round , smooth bottom as the center ofgravity .

  2. 在地球的历史进程中地磁北极和磁南极已经转换过-一种结果就是最后的冰河时期。

    The magnetic North and South poles have shifted before in the course of the planet 's history - one result being the last Ice Age . true north ( north according to the earth 's axis , not magnetic north )

  3. 我们有必要回顾一下历史上疾病的传播,从而弄清楚传染病的起因和后果。在地球的历史进程中地磁北极和磁南极已经转换过-一种结果就是最后的冰河时期。

    It 's important to look at the spread of diseases throughout history to discover the causes and effects of epidemics . The magnetic North and South poles have shifted before in the course of the planet 's history - one result being the last Ice Age .