
  • 网络degree granting;Confer Degree
  1. 终身学习视野下的日本学位授予新机制

    New Mechanism for Degree Granting in Japan During Lifelong Learning

  2. 年,外国语学院获得英语语言文学专业硕士学位授予权;

    In2005 , the School of Foreign Languages was authorized as a MA degree granting institution in English Language and Literature .

  3. 该大学将其最高学位授予了这位政治家。

    The university conferred its highest degree on the statesman .

  4. 通过网络公开课获取的知识没有理由不被认可,尤其是在确保质量的前提下,学位授予机构的市场已经开放。

    There is no inherent reason why MOOC-acquired learning cannot be accredited7 and recognized , especially as the market for degree-awarding powers opens up , subject perhaps to appropriate quality assurance arrangements .

  5. 美国教育理事会(ACE)是唯一的代表了所有美国校长及理事认可的学位授予机构的高等教育组织。

    The American Council on Education ( ACE ) is the only higher education organization that represents presidents and chancellors of all types of U.

  6. 学校设有18个学院,有62个本科专业;110个学科具有硕士学位授予权,并设有MBA(工商管理硕士)、MPA(公共管理硕士)和JM(法律硕士)专业学位点;

    The University has 18 colleges , and has 62 undergraduate disciplines , 110 master-degree-granting disciplines , including MBA , MPA and JM .

  7. DF估计1966年,只有23%的自然科学和工程方面的博士学位授予境外学生。

    Dr Freeman estimates that in 1966 only 23 % of science and engineering PhDs in America were awarded to students born outside the country .

  8. 提供1999年美国图书馆协会(ALA)认可的49所大学图书馆学情报学院系的信息,并就其名称、学位授予、课程设置的变化、特点与发展趋势作简要分析。

    Provides the information about library and information studies programs accredited by the ALA in 1999 and analyzes the changes and characteristics of library and information units ( schools or departments ) and their general trends .

  9. 有S4个本科专业,121个硕士授权点、43个博士授权点、16个工程硕士授权领域和工商管理硕士(MBA)、公共管理硕士(MPA)、高校教师专业学位授予权,并设有5个博士后流动站。

    The university now has 54 specialties for undergraduate studies , and it is entitled to confer master 's degrees in 121 programs , doctoral degrees in 43 programs , Engineering Master Degrees in 16 programs as well as the MBA program , MPA program , Normal Degree program for College Teachers and 5 post-doctoral centers .

  10. 论美国研究生学位授予权管理

    Discussion on Management of the Graduate Degree Conferral Right in America

  11. 影响医学生学士学位授予的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors Influencing for the Authorization of Bachelor Degree

  12. 在举行学位授予典礼的那天上午17000人拥进了哈佛大院。

    Seventeen thousand people jam into Harvard Yard on commencement morning .

  13. 同等学力人员硕士学位授予工作的几个问题

    Several problems in applying for master 's degree with same educational level

  14. 它提供专业发展和硕士培训,但没有学位授予。

    It offers professional development and postgraduate training but no degree programs .

  15. 积极采取有效措施保证学位授予质量

    Taking Effective Measures Actively to Guarantee the Quality of Degree 's Award

  16. 申请学科、专业硕士学位授予权成功经验分析

    Experience analysis of applying the right to confer master degree of discipline

  17. (苏格兰大学)将学位授予(某人)。

    ( in Scottish universities ) award a degree to ( sb )

  18. 请你亲手将人文学荣誉博士学位授予他

    to receive at your hand the honorary degree of doctor of humanities

  19. 成人学士学位授予工作的实践与思考

    Practice and Reflections on the Work of Coffering Bachelor 's Degree upon Adults

  20. 对成人高等教育学士学位授予规范化运作的思考

    Standard operation of award system of B.A. degree of adults ' higher education

  21. 本科毕业学员学士学位授予情况分析

    Bachelor 's Degree Conferment for Graduates of A University

  22. 硕士研究生学位授予是按一级学科!

    Degree of Master Graduate Student Awards is to press one degree course !

  23. 在美国,大部分的新授博士学位授予了女性。

    In America , most new master 's degrees are awarded to women .

  24. 论学位授予行为的法律性质

    On the Legal Property of Degrees Granting Act

  25. 学士学位授予率的影响因素及其对象

    The Factors Influencing Bachelor 's Degree and Countermeasures

  26. 朱丽亚找到了工作,所以在学位授予之前就离开了大学

    Julia find a job and leave the university before the conferment of her degree

  27. 具有硕士学位授予权的高校图书馆情况调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Basic Condition of Universities Libraries with Authority over Master Degrees

  28. 研究生学位授予单位的区域分布,反应了整体研究生教育的地区分布情况。

    Distribution of degree authorization department reflects the overall status geographical distribution of post-graduate education .

  29. 撤销和履行是对违法的学位授予行为进行法律补救的两种主要措施。

    Abolition and performance are the main remedial measures to the illegal degrees granting act .

  30. 预答辩通过后,按《上海大学学位授予工作细则》进行论文答辩。

    Formal thesis defence is held according to " Shanghai University Academic Degree-conferring Detailed Codes " .