
  1. 本科教学合格评估的资料准备

    The Preparation of Documents of Approved Assessment of Undergraduate Course TEACHING PLAN

  2. 合格评估与质量监控在过程性评价上有相通性。

    Qualified evaluation and quality supervision are interlinked in the process of evaluation .

  3. 教育部合格评估要求图书馆的标准;

    Ministry of educations standards on qualification evaluation ;

  4. 基础实验室合格评估后的思考

    Reflections on the Basic Lab Appraisal

  5. 合格评估与质量监控

    Qualified Evaluation and Quality Supervision

  6. 基于教育工作合格评估的独立学院图书馆建设&以福州大学至诚学院为例

    Construction of Independent College Library Based on Education qualification Assessment & A Case Study on Zhicheng College , Fuzhou University

  7. “质量监控”在高师本科教学工作合格评估指标体系中具有重要的地位和作用。

    Quality supervision plays an important partin the evaluation of the qualified target system of under-graduate education in normal colleges and universities .

  8. 提高教学科研质量迎接教学合格评估&在第二届教学科研工作会上的主题报告(摘要)

    Improve Our Teaching and Scientific Research to Usher in the Quality Appraisal of Education & A lecture at the 2nd Teaching and Scientific Research Conference ( excerpt )

  9. 把握契机推动我校图书馆建设&泉州师院本科教学工作水平合格评估后的思考

    Seizing the Opportunity , Promoting the Construction of the Library of Quanzhou Normal University & The thinking after the level evaluating of the undergraduate teaching work in Quanzhou Normal University

  10. 本文结合我院的实际情况,探讨以实验室合格评估为契机、实验室建设为中心,实施产教结合培养高职高专技能型人才的实践教学途径及方法。

    This paper explored the practical teaching route and method of production combine teaching mode basing on linking our college fact , and making use of the chance of bab evaluation .

  11. 介绍地方性大学完成实验室合格评估后,以实验课独立设课为龙头,全面推进实验教学改革的成功实践。

    This article introduced the successful practice of the local universities , after the assessment of laboratories , to promote all-round experimental teaching reform with independent experimental course as the beginning .

  12. 实施合格评估与质量审核相结合的院校评估,既有利于保障新建院校的基本办学资质,又有利于鼓励合格院校发挥优势,办出特色。

    The combination of conformity assessment and quality audit of institutional evaluation is good for assuring the basic educational qualifications of newly-built institutions , and encouraging qualified institutions to make the most of its advantages .

  13. 合格评估关乎着学校的生存与发展,对提高学校教学质量、教育效益以及教学管理科学化、现代化具有重要的意义。高校应理性应对合格评估,做好学校工作。

    The qualified evaluation , which determines the college 's existence and development , plays an important role in the improvement of the teaching quality , the educational efficiency and the scientific & modern management of teaching .

  14. 文章结合作者工作单位在大学本科教学合格评估中的实践和体会,介绍了他们在深化实验课程教学体系改革以及完善实验教学和实验室科学管理方面的一些做法。

    In connection with the evaluation of the standard of teaching in our college we describe the measures we introduced to reform the experimental lab courses , improve lab instruction and streamline scientific administration of the laboratories .

  15. 采用统计仿真的方法对动态估计精度进行了分析,给出了依据离线测量数据进行合格率评估的计算实例。

    And a dynamic recurrence estimation model for the pass rate evaluation was developed .

  16. 制定程序控制不合格产品评估、返工、分级、重测、记录和讨论的方法。

    Develop procedures to control how your nonconforming products are reviewed , reworked , regraded , re-tested , recorded , and discussed .

  17. 采用时域递推在线估计技术对数学模型进行参数估计。采用统计仿真的方法对动态估计精度进行了分析,给出了依据离线测量数据进行合格率评估的计算实例。

    This article has also presented recurrence estimation for parameter estimation . And a dynamic recurrence estimation model for the pass rate evaluation was developed .

  18. 介绍了SE公司新供应商选择流程及指标体系的构建、新零部件导入阶段的供应商选择及合格供应商绩效评估三个项目中的两个流程、五个指标体系。

    It introduces two processes and five index systems of SE Company concerning the development of suppliers , selection of suppliers in the phase of new part introduction and performance evaluation of qualified suppliers .

  19. 这时评估团会访问申办城市,对他们的合格程度进行评估。

    That 's when the commission visits the cities to evaluate their candidateship .

  20. 通过资质评审的机构工作良好评价机构和检测机构资质评审的项次合格率与工作评估项次合格率差异无显著性。

    As to the rate of qualification evaluation and work evaluation , there is little difference between evaluation organization and monitoring organization .

  21. 当关注上述诸标准时,重要的是须牢记,不能抽象完成对技术上不合格的证据的评估。

    When focusing on these criteria , it is important to remember that evaluation of technically incompetent evidence cannot be accomplished in the abstract .